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Author Topic: A Day on the "Big Pond"  (Read 1627 times)


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A Day on the "Big Pond"
« on: July 26, 2009, 05:40:57 PM »

So, Friday saw me runnin' back to Ukee, a minor problem on the charter rig to deal with. You know, the one the mechanic suggests is going to take 5 hours or so to deal with...
Done in less than two, and purring as usual! Sweet!  ;D

By happenstance my Partner in the other fishing game was in town with his Family, arunnin' away from the oppressive heat that has overtaken the whole of The Rock. So, once I learned that, I stopped by their camp for a brew and a BS. One thing led to another, and once I heard his Young Gun had yet to take his first salmon in the chuck, it was GAME ON!  ;)

Early the next day, The Natural bombed in and met us at the first glimmer of light. Idling through the fog and barely discernible light, we soon reached the mouth of Ukee Harbor, where it was determined that the fairly gentle swell was just the thing for what we had in mind. As the fog was thick, we carefully ran out to a couple miles south of where the larger fish had been taken the day before by a handful of my guiding Buddies. Once there, we settled in, and the Canon downriggers stealthily lowered our weapons of choice into the preferred zone. Loads of pilchards were showing, both on the screen and surface (almost looked like rain for a spell!) making the choice fairly easy regarding just what to deploy (dummy flashers on each ball, an 8" Wonder doctored as a pilchard one side, a 6" Coyote doctored the same on the other). And our hunt began in earnest.

It was a little while, perhaps 15 or so minutes before the Islander attached to the Coyote howled with GLEE! Awesome, a BARKER for the first! The Natural immediately handed off the rod to our newest recruit, and the battle commenced! This was a deep shouldered hen of about 25 pounds, and right full of P and V! Several loooong runs, and a terrific leap or two boatside ensured this was no easy match for our Young Gun's initiation! But he handled the rod like a Pro, and with his Pa and The Nat coaching, tamed the beast in a timely manner! Once it was hauled aboard, the Young Gun's eyes were gleaming with pure JOY!!  ;D

With his Proud Papa pounding him on the back in congratulations, He paused briefly in his reveille for this shot:

Methinks that smile, or rather GRIN says it all!  ;)

T'wasn't even 10 minutes before the next strike, but alas this one did his part overly well, and eluded the hook about 1/2 through one of those famous runs these energetic fish are so well renowned for! The next did the same, and then things slowed right down. A few strikes produced in the area of the initial hook-ups, and then all went silent... Hmmm... They've obviously moved... A few calls on the radio suggested it was pretty quiet all over, so we began our hunt once again. Now the bait was sparse, so I slowly wandered over to an area none had fished in a spell, but my gut instinct screamed MUST be investigated...

Upon arrival, a very savage take sent the rod tip on the other side well into the water as that Islander began it scream it's Happy Song! This, a well proportioned wild buck of high twenties or so was extremely well rehearsed at the game, and our Young Gun once again had more than his hands full!! Sweet! This battle lasted near a half hour, as every time the fish neared the boat it entered into another hard and strong run that had all of us howling with glee! Eventually the beast tired somewhat, and with a deft sweep of the net I introduced him to his Tamer! And once again, that young fella's tail was waggin' so hard his eyeballs were rolling! EXCELLENT! This time his arms were so tired from battle, he simply couldn't hold the fish up! So his obliging and more than pleased Papa did the honours:

Have you ever seen a prouder Papa?

The action for the next two hours was non-stop! As we were dropping the gear after that last fish, one struck, actually ripping the line right out of The Natural's fingers before he could set it in the release clip! A SURFACE take by a spring about 30 pounds! WOW! This one honestly thought he was some kind of oversized coho, and the air time was absolutely spectacular! Over and over it clawed well into the sky, and with a final end over ender, tossed the hook with a most savage head shake! The loss did not lessen anyone's mood nor excitement, it was FUN simply to have witnessed that battle - so unusual for a big spring! Several fish later, far to busy to even think about any more pictures, a light tug on the Coyote... "shaker" Me and The Nat suggested. Our youngest crew member easily brought this one to hand, where in awe we realised that an oversized sockeye had grabbed that big spoon! WILD! As the balance of the crew had plenty of fish under their belts, it was our consensus that the Young Gun should get in as many as we could for him. And despite a few long-line releases, by and large he managed most like he had been doing so for years! The excitement level grew until all of were cheering him on, and the gales of laughter from our rig could literally be heard for miles!  :D

Another shot of both Proud Papa and the Young Gun with yet another strong fighting spring:

With six of the eight we were allowed for springs and a handful intentionally released, as well as a handful of coho under his belt, the Young Gun now insisted that someone else have a go. Excellent manners in one so young, and once again his papa's eyes gleamed in response! Now, a double header, both Islanders spinning line off at an alarming rate as the two torpedoes sped towards Japan! The Natural on one rod, my fishing Partner on the other, the Young Gun shouting encouragement, and me at the helm trying to keep up! Man-O-Man that spells EXCITEMENT! At the last possible moment, The Nat's fish spit the hook right at him boatside, which he quickly ducked. But my Partner's wasn't so lucky, and following an energetic battle, he succumbed to the net. Most inefficient way I've ever seen to fish the successful angler mumbled between his giggles. aYup, the reply, and that's why it is so much FUN suggested I.

Mere moments later, my personal rod with the MR3 set to left hand retrieve barked, and my turn. Managed to lose that within seconds, and the next dammit! So much for showin' them how!  ::) Then, as the other rod was engaged battling a wild coho of significant size and the boat at a crawl, my rod dipped it's tip down right into the water, and the MR3 screamed in delight! A fast pounce, and I'm IN! From the headshakes I knew this was what we'd been looking for, and suggested the Young Gun take the rod. Nope says he, let's see if you can finally land one! Needing no further encouragement, I set to with this one, amazed at just how strong these magnificent fish can be! Run after run, and finally a decent look at 30 yards! a REAL Biggie! Awesome! But he was having none of it, and the run again sent screams from the reel beneath my hands! It took twenty plus minutes to tame that Tiger, and The Natural eventually swept the net in front of him as he turned for yet another charge! Captured! And a beautiful buck of high 30's swung aboard, signaling the culmination of a most excellent day. High Fives all round, and a LOT of laughter on the ride over the gentle swells back in...  ;D

No pix taken of the last one I took. It was VERY much the Young Gun's Day, and what a day he had for his first! The words he got out between giggles resembled Awesome, Fantastic, Deadly and more. And by his positively glowing eyes (and those of his Pop's) methinks there was simply no way he could really express just how much he had enjoyed!  :)

In the life of a guide, there are many memorable occasions - some good, some not so good. But, this one ranks up as one of the VERY best I have ever had! Dockside the Young Gun commented: I will NEVER forget today, I will never forget you, and you (to The Natural who had so expertly helped turn this young Lad into one now frantically addicted). Nor will I was the response from the two of us, and the happy and grateful look from my Partner added to the glowing feeling bursting in my chest! And that I meant! I will not forget just how exciting, just how much FUN it can be bringing a new Gun into our camaraderie!

Looking forward to the next was his parting comment as he vigorously pumped our hands. And VERY much am I was my honest reply! Can't wait in fact!

And to me, it simply don't get any better than that!  ;D

It is HOT out there folks! a LOT of Big Fiesties around, and coho getting into the action almost too frequently now! Hope some of you get the chance to get out there and ENJOY!!



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Re: A Day on the "Big Pond"
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2009, 09:00:32 PM »

Looks like a great day. Congrats for young gun on his salmon. I read your story and sure makes me jelous not having access to the "big pond" as you do, the damn ferry costs to much.


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Re: A Day on the "Big Pond"
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2009, 09:54:32 PM »

Darn I wish I was out there.  With the nice weather coming up it should really be a pond out there (at least in the morning anyways).  Thanks for the post Nog!


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Re: A Day on the "Big Pond"
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2009, 08:24:54 AM »

those are some nice looking fish.... and young guns smile says it all!!