Why is it that with other environmental issues, such as energy consumption, solid waste recycling, and water use, it is an accepted understanding that "every little bit counts"? Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth, recycle your newspapers, lightsw out when you leave a room. And yet with the salmon fishery, the vast majority of sports anglers continue to point the finger at First Nations, commercial fishermen, fish farms etc, as an excuse to not do their part? Crey is correct in that any sport caught sockeye is as good as dead, and this is in a year where we are seeing a catastrophic collapse due to factors outside of human influence. Yes, you are correct in that the nets are having a negative impact. That doesn't excuse you when you carefully release a sockeye that you flossed and watch it swim away. It's a dead fish at this point. Do your part guys, avoid catching any sockeye at all costs right now!