Folks, DFO staff and many of you have received calls about chinook management actions in place today. This note should clarify the regulations in place right now.
The guide for both the tidal Fraser and the Fraser in Region 2 says:
May 1 - Aug 31, opportunites expected, contact your local DFO office
Sept 1 - Dec 31, 4 per day with only one over 62 cm
The fishery notices we posted earlier in the year dealt only with the May 1 to Aug 31 period thus I didn't think we needed a reminder to folks that effective September 1 we changed the size limit from 50 cm to 62 cm. Boy was I wrong:(
Anyway, I've looked at the website and I see that when the last fishery notice was posted the period from Sept 1 - Dec 31 was removed. I have contacted our webmaster and she will rectify this situation immediately and I have also drafted a Fishery Notice that will be out this morning.
Please note that there will be a bait ban in place during the Interior Fraser Coho timing window, a fishery notice on this will come out this week too. The dates are:
mouth to Mission: Sept 8 - Oct 9
Mission to Hope: Sept 10 - Oct 12
Hope to Sawmill Creek: Sept 12 - Oct 15
Sorry for any confusion.
Debra Sneddon
Fisheries Manager, Recreational Fisheries
ph: 604-666-6509