Actually truth be told it did swallow the fly. I was fishing two rods at this time. I had one with an indicator and a large leech about 6 feet down, I was casting another line and left the one rod with the indicator in the rod holder. All of I hear the line ripping off the reel. I quickly put down the rod I was holding down and grab the rod with the fish on it. I played it for a while and man I love the fight of those smallies. It jumped several times and gave me a great fight. I got it to the boat and it was bleeding bad. I actually tried to revive it but it just didnt come around.
Here is a better picture of it showing its size
Trust me anything around 7lbs is not going to dwarf my hand. If you met me you would know that
BTW noxscape is right it was an island lake and not a transplanted fish. These fish were put in this lake by the ministry as early as the 30's