In a democracy isn't it the people's responsability to stand up and force change?
No matter the political system it will always be up to the people to force change. Think Tiananmen Square.
Tieing a line with a weight, hook and a piece of wool then snagging salmon that have traveled thousands of miles and have passed hundreds of obstacles to get to its spawning stream isn't breaking the law, so that makes it right? I think not!
I'm sick of watching fishing store clerks sell barbed pink lures to obvious poachers/one-dayrs with no mention of pinching the barb's down.
Have you ever worked in a tackle store? I have. And I can honestly tell you that there is no garenteeed way of spotting a poacher when they are in a store. If you have some special way of telling then maybe you should work for DFO.
Maybe you'd like to state your field of work so we can criticize what you do.
Its more than obvious that this person will be using this lure for pink salmon
Ever fished for dolly varden? I've used pink lures for them, and you can use barbs when you're fishing in most lakes.
is it to hard for the clerk to ask "would you like me to put your barbs down?".
So now the store will assume legal responsibility for pinching the barbs of its customers (if the barb isn't fully pinched down to the Fisheries Officer's liking), thereby passing the accountability from the individual fishing to the retailer.
BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS.Its the local law and enforcing it should be up to everyone
No. Enforcing it is up to the fisheries officers or the RCMP. It's the local law and
obeying it should be up to everyone.
especially people involved with the industry.
Since when did owning a tackle store make you a fisheries officer. A store cannot enforce the law, they can only guide people to obey it. Even that is optional.
I would have to agree it does trickle down to the responsibility of the individual but shouldn't the industry put sensible measures in place to protect fish?
Trickle down? You have to be kidding me!!! So when you speed on the highway and a cop pulls you over do you say "It's Ford's fault I was speeding. The governor only kicks in at 140km/hr."
The people running our fish right now are not doing a good job, thinks need to change.
Then do something about it. Posting BS on here doesn't do anything.
give your head a shake for rolling over and being such a sheep. Your a troll
Yup. You know me well enough to say that I don't think for myself and that I just follow along like a sheep.
When you come up with something intellegent to post please do, but until then sit down and shut-up.