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Author Topic: Where did the white man go wrong  (Read 2100 times)

Terry D

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Where did the white man go wrong
« on: September 08, 2009, 10:21:06 AM »


Indian Chief "Two Eagles" was asked by a white U.S. Government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."

The Chief nodded in agreement.

The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?".

The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied:

"When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water.
Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."

Then the chief leaned back and smiled "Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.".

Apologies if you've seen it before but time we had a bit of humour here.



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Re: Where did the white man go wrong
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 11:02:12 AM »

Actually it is all mankind who have gone wrong.

I became aware of this when I caught rainbows in the Nicola that had pike minnows in there stomach. This really messed with my head because our esteemed fisheries biologists have always maintained that our interior (Thompson Nicola region) rainbow do not eat minnows (I have since found the same thing in other waters of that region). The truth in my hand could not be denied no matter what the books said. So being the man of God/preacher that I am, I asked the what was going on. These thoughts soon entered my mind.

"My fish do not recognize man's science. They do as I tell them to do period." Not wanting to get preachy and offend those who do not believe, i will keep this brief. You make a big mistake when you think or decide you can do anything better than the one who created all things. That is pride; and as the scriptures state pride goes before a fall. Pride exalts it's self and say I am "The" authority and I know better than everyone else. Enough said?

Mankind is the only creature in all creation that has the free will to make a choice on how he or she will do things; god or bad.
You may not like my post; that is your right, but agree or disagree it will not change the reality of what is. God is my coach/fly fishing instructor and all my success's bare witness that his way works.   
Till the next time, "keep your fly in the water!"


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Re: Where did the white man go wrong
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2009, 12:00:51 PM »

Actually it is all mankind who have gone wrong.

I became aware of this when I caught rainbows in the Nicola that had pike minnows in there stomach. This really messed with my head because our esteemed fisheries biologists have always maintained that our interior (Thompson Nicola region) rainbow do not eat minnows (I have since found the same thing in other waters of that region). The truth in my hand could not be denied no matter what the books said. So being the man of God/preacher that I am, I asked the what was going on. These thoughts soon entered my mind.

"My fish do not recognize man's science. They do as I tell them to do period." Not wanting to get preachy and offend those who do not believe, i will keep this brief. You make a big mistake when you think or decide you can do anything better than the one who created all things. That is pride; and as the scriptures state pride goes before a fall. Pride exalts it's self and say I am "The" authority and I know better than everyone else. Enough said?

Mankind is the only creature in all creation that has the free will to make a choice on how he or she will do things; god or bad.
You may not like my post; that is your right, but agree or disagree it will not change the reality of what is. God is my coach/fly fishing instructor and all my success's bare witness that his way works.   

Wow,  that's deep. I personally do not believe,  but I am not offended by your beliefs. But I will say this, Terry D said it was time for a little humour( we all know this place can get a little serious sometimes ) here. That reply sort of sucked the humour right out of that joke ! No offence intended towards your beliefs. P.S. that was a pretty funny joke !
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 12:03:42 PM by iblly »


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Re: Where did the white man go wrong
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 12:25:06 PM »

Ya I know how "newsman" feels ....sometimes I would like to shout it (GOOD NEWS) from on top of my house top "so to speak"......... not to brag it BUT to share it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As it is the 1st day of school ........ (joke)  Sally went to the mall with her friends instead of going to school. Policy was that if a student was absent the school had to be notified. So Sally thought she would just phone the school herself & pretend she was a parent.  So she calls the school... "Sally will not be in today as she is not feeling well "  The school staffer asks "Whom am I speaking to ?" Sally answers --------------------" This is MY MOTHER talking" :)--------- ps That was a good one Terry !
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 12:27:34 PM by arimaBOATER »


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Re: Where did the white man go wrong
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2009, 03:24:31 PM »

Good one Terry!

I sent that one off to some friends to enjoy as well!

Terry D

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Re: Where did the white man go wrong
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2009, 04:01:05 PM »

Thanks guys. We all know that things are bad at the moment and as hard as we try, we can't seem to make much impact and improve things.  Hence, we all need a break now and again and, a good laugh always does the world of good.