I live well out in the sticks (16 kms. out of Hope) and usually go through about 80-100 lbs of sunflower seeds in a year in my bird feeders, filling them every three or four days at least, mid summer I let them go dry usually so the birds don't become too dependant on me . This spring there were only about half the birds we usually get and since I've refilled my feeders 3 weeks ago there have been absolutely none. I t is totally erie outside everything being almost silent, when talking to my neighbors who also feed the birds they are reporting the same phenomenon, I've been here over 30 years and have never witnessed anything like this before, generally we have all species of finches and song birds here and now there are none, even the bluejays are missing from my nut trees and absolutely nothing has been eating my grapes. It's kinda like being in the beginning of a bad horror movie, i f any one else has noticed the same stuff happenning or has a reasonable explanation please post here this is concerning to me.