There are times when we see things that are not ethical, and when we try to follow the rules with little reward fishwise, it does burn my biscuits when I see someone who is obviously fishing illegally or unethically (don't assume that legal is ethical- that's a whole other thread!) who does get fish and seem proud of it.
Longer story shorter, there are times when I see someone fishing unethically and/or illegally and I am mistaken, and thank my lucky stars I kept my mouth shut because, as said earlier, when I took the time to watch, and I saw I was mistaken. The mutterings of others around me who I assume are knowledgeable (another mistake, we all know) can influence me, too. I don't need a mistaken situation to help me look foolish; I do that pretty good on my own. Asian, Slovakian, German, Scottish, WASP, Martian (or was that the peyote?), I've seen 'em all be unethical, but even more fishing ethically. As usual, it's when we feel we have a right to the fish, and not a right to the OPPORTUNITY to catch fish, that things get nasty.
That being said, a little patience and calm communication can go a long way. And if the person's reply to the civilized inquiry goes awry, then, well, there are alternatives.