The cast control can be used to what ever extent you need it when casting spoons and spinners but you need to be carefult you dont set it to high when float can slow your float thus creating an unnatural drift. On alll the Abu and Shimano reels that I have, there are centrifrugal brakes under that face plate opposite to the side withthe reel. Setting those can reels help with back lashes. Depending on your reel, it may have anywhere from 2-8 plastic rings on metal shafts. These plastic collars can be set to the in or out position. The closer they are to the center, the easier it is to start the reel spinnin. For beginners, having half to all of these brakes set outward will help reduce backlashes when casting. If you decide to move a portion of them, make sure they balance. EG if there are 8 collars, do 12, 3,6, and 9 o'clock positions.
Beginners tend to have a less finess when it comes to thumbing, so when learning to use a baitcaster, using a little extra lead will help you learn how to thumb the spool.