Fished the cap from firstlight till about noon. Water was raging, anywhere between a 6-8 on the marker. Visibility was good. It was busy...very busy for the cap.
Flashlighted my way into one of my usual spots. There were a couple gentlemen already there when I arrived. IMO, Water was too high and fast to safely fish. Tried a couple other spots, same story. Decided to head down river. Found a decent run that was off to the side of some rapids. Managed to hook a very nice coho which I battled for about a minute before loosing. Also had a chum on for about 3 minutes before the hook on my colorado straightened out. As soon as the fish would make it into the rapids it was game over. Even the coho, which was at best 6 or 7lbs took me for a ride. Saw around 15 fish hooked by other anglers, 4 coho to the beach. Checked the hatchery and almost no fish there. Saw a few springs and a few coho. But I definately was expecting to see the tanks filled with fish.
The river is high and fast. Crazy high and fast! Borderline scray in certain spots. I was shocked at the risks some anglers were willing to take at a chance to catch fish. I saw at least 10 fisherman standing on steep inclines within inches of their lives. After seeing the river in person today, I can positively say that chances of survival if you fall in are about 1-2%.
Here are some pics of the upper:
cable bridge, up
cable bridge, down
cable pool, down
cable pool, up
dog leg
dog leg
dog leg