On Friday October 16,2009, The Chehalis First Nation delivered notices to 6 of their Band members evicting therm from the Community for a minimum of 2 years along with the loss of designation to fish in either Economic or FSC Fisheries . A hearing is pending . This has come about since the Chehalis FN and The BC Federation of Driftfishers ,among others , opened the Sportfishers Trail on the Chehelis River two weeks ago and also initiated a Salmon Roundtable Group to find a solution to conflicts between all of the River Salmon Fishing stakeholders--ie First Nations , Sportfishers , Guides and Commecial Fishers,DFO , MOE, & RCMP . This Thursday there will be a "Fraser Salmon Monitoring and Compliance Forum " held @ the Chehalis FN -Healing House (Sts'ailes Lhawathet Lalem) Oct 22/ @10:00AM . The questions In Focus are 1) Do both fishers and managers feel confident with the catch accounting from the Salmon Fisheries in the Lower Fraser River ? 2) What are the stregths and weaknesses around catch accounting in the areas' Salmon fishery , and Why ? 3) what are ways that individual interests in the fishery can work with managers to overcome weaknesses in catch accounting in their own fisheries. The longest journey begins with a single step'---- Cheers