These numbers only serve to confirm what most in the sportfishing industry allready know and have been trying to get the gov to come to understand for years now,but it seems our gov doesn't want to do much to help sustain or build our declining salmon and steelhead stocks,as a result if we continue to travel the road we have been and our fish stocks go the way of the doe doe bird as I'm sure they will,many communities and small businesses will begin to suffer and disappear and as a result the loss of billions of dollars and jobs and this is not saying what effect this will have going up the food chain to the animals that depend on our salmon and steelhead to survive.One example of how much our gov thinks about our stocks ,you don't have to look any further than the region 2 steelhead biologist that as of this coming march will no longer ex-hist,we better enjoy our local steelheading while it lasts because with decisions like this there wont be any fish to catch,fish farms or not.