good point Brian.
i also recommend using 20lb Chameleon becasuse a slightly stiffer line will acst nicer on a cp reel. Remember to slightly use your fingers on the spool as your casting. this helps in many ways some of which are being able to stop the spool quickly if it backlashes and you can also slow the spool down for distance or targetting your casts...etc. trust me you have to guide the spool speed on any center pin.
another thing is you will want to start out with the easiest way of casting a cp with is the side swing cast. you start letting the spol slightly start spinning on the back part of the swing(going behind you) and as you go forward into the cast it will speed up allowing it to carry distance. this takes time to perfect especially if your trying to cast far.
best advice would be to start out with short casts and gradually get farther and farther this will minimize your backlashes and tangles. If you use a bit more lead this will also help to start the spool inertia at start up making casting easier also.
once you get casting down there is all sorts of casts to prefect for different situations. right now im still trying to perfect the sling shot cast
i can do it but cant get big distance which aggrevates me
If any of you guys feeling like getting together i can help with the learning curve of casting one of these things. It really helps to see how its done properly instead of just doing it and learning the harder way. I know when i was learning i was trying to remember what i saw others doing because i was the first in my group to go to a cp, thankfully my learning curve was only 1days fishing for the most part
Rieber - if your going to lawn cast it then make sure you set it up with a float also and just give yourself a couple feet of "depth" cp's cast alot better with a pendulum action. you cant just put on lead and learn like a baitcaster because they just dont cast properly that way, it can be done but its trickier (i found) then with a float on.