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How many winter steelhead did you catch in winter 2009/2010? (including both hatchery and wild fish)

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Author Topic: 2010 Chilliwack River steelhead fishery information & water condition updates  (Read 105928 times)

chris gadsden

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Water conditions excellent again today but the wind was a nuisance. A more detailed report later under fishing reports as I have more than a water condition report.


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I thought the river was in pretty good shape today  :-\ but I saw NO  <"((((><
The wind wasn't too bad mid river.     


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Was out today fishing mid river.  First thing this morning it was a bit colored up, by noon it was better, maybe 3ft vis.  With this rain, it probably won't last long.  Warm temperatures also mean snow melt from the hills. 

chris gadsden

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Was out today fishing mid river.  First thing this morning it was a bit colored up, by noon it was better, maybe 3ft vis.  With this rain, it probably won't last long.  Warm temperatures also mean snow melt from the hills. 
The Lower was not that great first thing either but improved to very good conditions later in the afternoon. I heard a chunk of clay fell in overnight. Unfortunately it started raining very hard a dark. More detailed report under fishing report later.

chris gadsden

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Took 2 weeks off to go fishing but it looks like it might not be fishable tomorrow.

You guys think it will be okay tomorrow???

I hate to say for sure as one never knows what will happen over night but it is raining hard now and with clay falling in maybe one should save your brownie points for another day. I guess one could take a chance on the Upper. :-\

chris gadsden

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Raining very hard the last while, I will go out on a limb now that things will be a washout tomorrow. I would check the water levels in the AM as a double check if anyone wants to take a chance it could be fishable.


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River is starting to climb already going by the charts, tomorrow morning does not look too promising...

Trout Slayer

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Never fails, weekend warriors get shafted by the weather again.


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trust me if your a weekend warrior fisherman/woman then you need to learn to fish any water conditions  ;) only time i dont go is if its chocolate brown....err i mean the only time i dont go to "that" river LOL always have a backup plan or plans  ;D
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chris gadsden

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I heard visibility was about 6 inches first thing in the Lower, when I looked an hour ago it had improved to around 1 foot. I thought it would have been worse. Stopped at 4 spots and saw a good number of people fishing, no sign of fish on though. River up about a foot from yesterday.

chris gadsden

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No rain this afternoon or tonight so far. May be worth a boo tomorrow.

chris gadsden

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Water was good in the Lower when I looked at it around 10 AM, lots of people out.

chris gadsden

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Even though the water was in good shape all day the reports I got fishing was very slow for the amount of people out.


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Raining in Langley now.  Doesn't look to good for a few days.  The river will get a bit of a rest.  Good luck to those who do venture out.


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Water was great in the upper. Fished from Alison downriver about a mile and back. Was really hoping today would be the day :'( but no joy.