Whoever stole this & other kickers plus the boat a few weeks ago....how do these guys sleep at night
Or possibly many are so evil they have to steal something before they can sleep. (something like a vampire needing his nightly blood)
Well there's blue collar & white collar crime ...in buissness/politics/ & there's the every day organized & street crime....all done in the name of me 1st & do not care about the victims.
Mind you criminals may say they create alot of jobs.....for the police, court & corrections system but at the victims expense.
If ya got alot of expensive things it's a good idea to use the most quality locks & security systems to protect them.
(crooks have no fear of "the eye in the sky"...it's all been recorded)
People work hard to buy their items only for a lazy jerk to want something for free so they steal it.
Some idiot riding his bike grabbed an old lady's purse here in Richmond & she fell & hit her head on the sidewalk. She died.
This happened maybe 8 yrs ago or there abouts. She was someone's mother grandma ...& wife if her husband was still alive.
Victims have to live with the anger & pain ...while the crook just gets more evil as time goes by.... Sadly many outdoor people can have a evil character but for the most part sportsfishers & boaters are great people.