Read above. Don't post what you believe, rather what you know. You do not want to be responsible for giving out incorrect information that may lead to violations by those who are misinformed.
While I agree in part, Rod, I mostly disagree. It is always the responsibility of the person getting the information second hand who who bears the onus to verify its veracity. I agree that we all should strive to provide as accurate information as possible, however if you are unsure, it's OK and recommended to provide the caveat "I believe". Many times I find members guesses to be very helpful as it provides me with a different way of looking at something.
I've read posts by member of this forum offering advice on fishing regualtions, jet maintenance, legal issues with Canada Customs, or how to walk to the Vedder mouth from Island 22. Some are accurate, some might not be. On low risk issues, such as angling tactics, its OK to take advice at face value; if the advice was wrong, no harm was done except for a fishless day. On weightier issues, such as the ones that I mentioned above, where the risks of applying wrong information are higher, the recipient of the advice needs to exercise caution, get other first hand information, and accept responsibility if it was wrong.
I know there are some folks that have a learning disability and might need some assistance to understand and apply the regs, or others who want some advice on a topic that they are unsure about and look to others with more expertise in that matter. However it is still advisable to take the advice for what it is, just advice, and to check it our first hand.
Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one. This forum is a wonderful source of information, but it is still your personal responsibility to exercise due diligence where the risks dictate to.