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Author Topic: Fight The HST!  (Read 159511 times)

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #135 on: April 14, 2010, 07:44:30 PM »

I don't believe alwaysfishn is a registered voter....    :D
That's too bad as we should always insure we are registered so we can exercise our franchise as that is what democracy is all about.

I am amazed how many people want to sign the petition, more than I thought. I will reach my goal of two hundred in no time flat and I am so excited about it I may go for more. ;D ;D ;D

purple monster

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #136 on: April 14, 2010, 08:37:27 PM »

I am astonished as well on the response for the opposition to this plan.
Amazing how the grouping of people may have a change.  Congratulations to the people of white rock for an astonishing reversal of thought.   
STOP.   Save Tomorrow Oppose Politicians.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #137 on: April 15, 2010, 12:19:40 PM »

If I came to you today & said "Hey buddy take out your open it...ok now give me those $50 dollar bills...come on more more....thanks see ya in a few months...."

You would be "hot under the collar".

Well this is exactly what HST does.  More money out of your wallet. PERIOD.  (more things will be taxed)
If ya don't want the gov. to say..."Hey buddy take out your open it...ok...etc......"......... then say no to this HST.

Talk about sea lice.....we have tax lice on our bodies & more want to attach themselves....

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #138 on: April 15, 2010, 08:21:13 PM »

Gosh I am starting to feel like a celebrity as everywhere I go wearing my anti HST button I am approached by people wanting to sign the petiition, I am quickly running out of sheets.

I am getting more attention than when I have my Maple Leaf hat on. ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #139 on: April 16, 2010, 07:23:47 PM »

Is there an official online petition that I can add my name to that anyone knows of that actually counts?

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #140 on: April 16, 2010, 09:01:10 PM »

Is there an official online petition that I can add my name to that anyone knows of that actually counts?
No and you have to sign on the Election BC petition for the riding you are registered in.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #141 on: April 17, 2010, 06:13:26 AM »

The "Longest Political Suicide Note In History"(I like that one) continues.....

*NDP take 18 point lead in polls

*81% want to sign the petition

There you go AF- the good fight is back over 80%.  ;)
Now the idiot trust is scrambling to put out the word - with OUR tax money of course- by a nice, shiny flyer. I hope it's as soft as Charmin, but I'll never know because it's already full of $*%#, albeit of the unnuetered male bovine variety. The claim that we just don't understand leaves me nearly speechless. I think most get it. A tax shift from the already beleaguered citizenry to business. You can put lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, sexy underwear and a short skirt  on it and it's still a pig. One of the next steps is to go out and buy an economist to write a paper that "supports" the Fiberal position.That's already been tried and it was discovered that the same author wrote a paper on the opposite side of the track. Guess he can't make up his mind. Dr. Jack Mintz seems willing to write a postive spin on anything for a buck.He got paid $12000 of OUR money to produce a 12 page report. $1000 a page for cheerleading to a losing side. HYPOCRITE FOR HIRE! HYPOCRITE FOR HIRE!There appears to be a complete inability by Gordo and his band of renown to grasp THE PUBLIC DOES NOT NOW OR WILL THEY LIKELY EVER SUPPORT THIS. The funny thing is the political collateral the Liberals had before this is eroding faster than the clay banks of the Veddar after 2 weeks of rain. The stunning betrayals to the restaurant and land developers show these buffoons are starting to eat their own and are as treacherous as legally possible. And illegally possible with the amount of clouds over their heads right now IE Kash Heed, BC Rail trial, the emerging casino scandal,John Les etc.

And after the petition succeeds, and it will:

It's time the government represented the citizens and not their buddies. No more scheming to  cover their arses from poor fiscal management. (Balanced budget law ::)) Think how big the hole would be if the fed money was pulled from the budget. "450 million maximum" miass :o There's liars and there's damned liars and delusional damned liars.........
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 07:33:15 AM by Novabonker »


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #142 on: April 17, 2010, 08:18:51 AM »

And after the petition succeeds, and it will:


Unfortunately once you sign the petition you will be disappointed; as the petition (if successful) only gives the anti's the right to force the government to exercise 1 of 2 options....

1. Force the government to introduce the bill attached to the petition. Wonder how many Liberals will vote for the bill?  ???
The 10% of the voters that sign the petition are stanch NDPer's and wouldn't vote for the Liberals in an election anyway.

2. The government can choose to allow it to go to a peoples referendum in September 2011 at a huge cost to the taxpayers. If 50% of the registered voters vote for the bill then it becomes law(no HST). Highly unlikely outcome as barely 50% of the registered voters even show up for a general election.

So........   Your glee is probably a little premature. Although the law allowing this type of petition seems to give a lot of power to the people, it's just smoke and mirrors.

The government of the day (NDP)that passed this law didn't want to give it too much bite in case it was used against  them.    ???

I don't want to rain on your parade....... On the other hand I think you should be aware that your efforts are rather a waste....

So "Good Luck" with your campaign....   :D
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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #143 on: April 17, 2010, 12:12:04 PM »

And if they do win, aside from the cost to tax payers for the referendum, don't forget to add another nearly $2billion to the deficit, as that is what will have to be returned to the federal government.  The NDP are sweating that one right now, because they don't want to be the party responsible for having to return that money and saddle the BC tax payers with another $2billion in debt.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #144 on: April 18, 2010, 07:31:49 AM »

And if they do win, aside from the cost to tax payers for the referendum, don't forget to add another nearly $2billion to the deficit, as that is what will have to be returned to the federal government.  The NDP are sweating that one right now, because they don't want to be the party responsible for having to return that money and saddle the BC tax payers with another $2billion in debt.

There's other ways to raise the revenue. Read back a few pages and I came up with a few ideas. The Pubic Affairs Bureau or the the taxpayer funded liberal propaganda machine costs over 30 million a year. Cut the size of the biggest and most bloated (no I'm not referring the Rich Coleman) cabinet in history.Reintroduce the cut off for luxury tax on automobiles. Stop giving money away and stop subsidizing profitable business - 120 million alone to oil companies (I guess they're not all that profitable. ::)) AF liked this one- Legalize marijuana and tax the daylights out of it- Seems to be coming down the pipe in California, why not here? That revenue stream alone would balance the budget.Raise the PST one cent. Tax profits taken out of this jurisdiction. Raise traffic fines to double what they are now. Open your eyes and look around- there's other ways to do this without lies and sellouts to the feds.
Unfortunately once you sign the petition you will be disappointed; as the petition (if successful) only gives the anti's the right to force the government to exercise 1 of 2 options....

1. Force the government to introduce the bill attached to the petition. Wonder how many Liberals will vote for the bill?  ???
The 10% of the voters that sign the petition are stanch NDPer's and wouldn't vote for the Liberals in an election anyway.

2. The government can choose to allow it to go to a peoples referendum in September 2011 at a huge cost to the taxpayers. If 50% of the registered voters vote for the bill then it becomes law(no HST). Highly unlikely outcome as barely 50% of the registered voters even show up for a general election.

So........   Your glee is probably a little premature. Although the law allowing this type of petition seems to give a lot of power to the people, it's just smoke and mirrors.

The government of the day (NDP)that passed this law didn't want to give it too much bite in case it was used against  them.    ???

I don't want to rain on your parade....... On the other hand I think you should be aware that your efforts are rather a waste....

So "Good Luck" with your campaign....   :D

You were doing OK AF up until now, but you're not understanding the anger that's associated with the codswallop. According to your post,only 10% will sign and they're all NDP.
81% polled said they want to sign, so I guess a mass conversion to NDPism is underway!
In the narrowly won ridings, I feel the anger about this betrayal would be enough to initiate recall . These yesmenandwomen were sent to Victoria to represent the constituents and not King Gordo, something that maybe they need to be reminded of and if reminders include losing your seat, so be it.

Funny how both you and the above poster feign concern about the cost- Democracy isn't cheap, but the alternative is to let idiots, lie, manipulate, loot and plunder while we grovel for table scraps. I'm not the only one that's fed up with the bull$*^t. Much like a boil, this has formed a head. Time to squeeze it and rid the province of the pus.



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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #145 on: April 18, 2010, 10:30:38 AM »

Raise the PST one cent.

Not too many arguments with some of the stuff you are suggesting but when you make statements like this one, it shows you just don't understand the difference between PST and HST.  Let me repeat, the PST is an inflationary tax that makes products more expensive to produce in a jurisdiction that has PST versus a jurisdiction that does not have PST. If you don't understand that concept then the rest of the discussions are pointless. HST levels the playing field. Having the PST let alone increasing the PST makes the products produced in BC less competitive with products produced outside of BC. By suggesting that the PST be raised you are already accepting a tax increase! On the other hand you are mad at the "Lying Liberals" because they want to put in a more logical tax system and in the process raise a little more tax revenue.  ???

81% polled said they want to sign, so I guess a mass conversion to NDPism is underway!

Com'on Novabonker, Where do you get this stuff? At least post a link to support your statements. Then we can judge the statement on the basis of who wrote it. Right now I'm suggesting you are making this stuff up. As far as I've read there was only one poll done and it asked if people agreed with or opposed, harmonizing the PST and GST.  This is a poll taken at the beginning of August 2009, shortly after the HST was announced and well before anyone even understood HST.

It would be interesting to see the poll results if the question was "Do you support a one percent increase in the PST rather than implementing the HST?"

The point is nobody likes more taxes, especially if they come with a new name.  "Any poll that asks people whether they like a tax is going to show they don't -- no one likes taxes."

Don't read into it as much as Vanderzalm is reading into it. When it comes down to a vote people consider more than just one issue.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 10:37:53 AM by alwaysfishn »
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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #146 on: April 18, 2010, 01:05:57 PM »

Yep - your right. I'll just BOHICA. ::) Not this time. You're selling air conditioning in Inuvik in January to supplement your ice sales. Nothing you've posted has made me even have a quiver of doubt that this is going to continue to snowball. I live in LiberalLand, North Vancouver. The campaign is rolling along very well with around 1300 and climbing to the threshold of 3700 rapidly and take into consideration there isn't a high visibility of canvassers here yet. The goal is to over achieve each riding by at least 5%, with the extras parachuting in to aid the areas with lower returns. You may not like it, but this going to be messier than molasses wrestling. But You should know - denial is not A RIVER.  ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #147 on: April 18, 2010, 03:07:46 PM »

Thanks for posting the link!

I had a nice lady knock on my door this afternoon asking if I would sign her HST petition. She left disappointed, but probably a little more informed.

Just trying to do my part to educate the uninformed.

Did I mention that she seemed like a very nice lady?    .....although she did lean a lot to the left when she walked.   ;D
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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #148 on: April 18, 2010, 03:47:41 PM »

Thanks for posting the link!

I had a nice lady knock on my door this afternoon asking if I would sign her HST petition. She left disappointed, but probably a little more informed.

Just trying to do my part to educate the uninformed.

Did I mention that she seemed like a very nice lady?    .....although she did lean a lot to the left when she walked.   ;D

Good for you! I got my canvasser application today from the nice gentleman in Lynn Valley. Geez in 20 minutes on an early Sunday morning he had collected 30 signatures! He was standing straight and tall, like all HONEST people normally do. It will be my pleasure to educate whomever I run into that isn't brainwashed by the blarney or buying barrels of bullspit. ;)


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #149 on: April 19, 2010, 06:50:31 AM »


Apparently there will be a legal challenge if the government follows through with the flyer campaign. Elections BC and the RCMP have been asked to investigate.

Seems they just step out of one pile and right into another bigger one.