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Author Topic: Fight The HST!  (Read 159522 times)


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #195 on: April 29, 2010, 01:22:21 PM »

If you want to start a new thread on liars and thieves, I may participate......   ???
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chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #196 on: April 29, 2010, 07:48:22 PM »

Thinking it will be hard to find my answers I sent this e mail to:
 (I wonder if I will get an answer to this simple request)
Dear Sirs,

Could you please provide a list of all products and services subject to the 12% HST come July 1st as I could not locate it on the Provincial Government's web site.

Thanks for you early reply,

This came to me today in the response to my question above.

Thank you for your inquiry.

HST will generally apply to the same goods and services that are
currently taxable under the GST.   If there was 5 per cent GST on a good
or service, there will be 12 per cent HST unless the item is eligible
for a provincial point-of-sale rebate or provincial credit.    

Under the harmonization agreement with the Government of Canada, British
Columbia is able to provide a limited number of provincial point-of-sale
rebates for items representing up to five per cent of the GST base in
BC.  The point-of-sale rebates apply only to the seven per cent
provincial portion of the HST and are administered by the Canada Revenue
Agency.  British Columbia will provide point-of-sale rebates for the
provincial portion of the HST on motor fuels, books, children-sized
clothing and footwear, children's car seats and car booster seats,
children's diapers, and feminine hygiene products.

BC will also provide a provincially administered residential energy
credit for energy purchased for residential use.  The amount of the
credit will be equal to the provincial portion of the HST paid or
payable on the energy (excluding service and administration charges).  

There will be certain items that are currently PST exempt, but will
become taxable under the HST.  Please note, this is not an all inclusive

Basic cable TV and local residential telephone rates
Food products other than basic groceries
Non-prescription medications
Vitamins and dietary supplements
Magazines and newspapers
Safety helmets, life jackets, first aid kits
Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers
Energy conservation equipment

Currently, PST applies only to certain services, such as the
installation, repair, or maintenance of goods.  All other services are
not subject to PST.  

For a more complete list of what will be taxable or exempt under the
HST, please refer to the following Canada Revenue Agency link:

This correspondence describes the proposed HST and is for information
purposes only.  In the event of a conflict between this correspondence
and any legislation enacted to implement the HST, the legislation will
govern.  The Ministry is not responsible for updating this response if
there are any subsequent changes to the proposed HST.  The HST is
imposed under federal legislation, the Excise Tax Act (Canada) and will
be administered by the Canada Revenue Agency.  For information related
to the transition to HST, please visit
 or  call 1 800 959 5525.  

HST Inquiries
Ministry of Finance


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #197 on: April 30, 2010, 04:26:25 AM »

Two priceless items from yesterday- the whiny response from from Colon Hansen when Elections BC ruled against the mailer. Geez, it was all good when it was in their favour during the election, but apparently they find it constricting when it's not. Somebody give Hansen a tissue to wipe his eyes and blow his nose with.

And the second was Mike Farnworth's response to the jab about working with Vander Zalm- "Fannntasstic!"

I'm sending in my application to become a canvasser.




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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #198 on: April 30, 2010, 07:59:07 AM »

I'm sending in my application to become a canvasser.

Great to see that you are finally getting on the band wagon!   ;D ;D
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chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #199 on: April 30, 2010, 10:34:37 AM »

Great to see that you are finally getting on the band wagon!   ;D ;D
Can you be far behind. ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #200 on: April 30, 2010, 10:42:01 AM »

I've always been a little slow in getting on or off band wagons.....

Could be the reason why I'm still a leafs fan!   :D
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chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #201 on: April 30, 2010, 11:35:04 AM »

I've always been a little slow in getting on or off band wagons.....

Could be the reason why I'm still a leafs fan!   :D
That a Boy. ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #202 on: May 01, 2010, 08:13:26 AM »

Can you be far behind. ;D ;D ;D

Yes- many miles behind - read his posts.....

(Posted in humour)

ooops - appears Colon Hansen's complaint to Elections BC was dismissed. Now he's really whining up a storm.


chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #203 on: May 01, 2010, 10:58:02 AM »

From A Liberal MLA, it still amazes me why do they not list the items that is actually going to taxed. ::)

Over the past few months I have been contacted many times by people concerned  about the move to the harmonized sales tax (HST).  Frequently they have  been told that the cost of the HST to them and their families will be beyond the  realm of affordability and will cause great hardship in their budgets.  I  now feel it is important to ensure some factual information is circulated by  sending out some facts that many may not have seen or know.


While  it is true that the HST was not on the government's radar earlier this year, it  is just as true that year after year for the past many years staff within the  Ministry of Finance have conducted inquiries to see if there was benefit to  converting to the HST. The all-party Finance Committee had recommended for a  number of years that the Minister of Finance conduct a cost/benefit analysis to  determine whether to move to the HST.  Previously the federal government's  position was that all provinces converting adopt a 13% total tax, there were no  exemptions possible, and there was no financial assistance with  transition.  Given the inflexible rules surrounding conversion and the fact  that only a few provinces had moved to the HST, there was no benefit or  compelling reason for BC to convert.


That all changed this spring.  During the election period Ministry of Finance staff were conducting their  inquiries regarding the HST and determined that we could set the HST at whatever  percentage we wished, we could exempt up to 5% of all goods covered by GST, and  there was 1.6 billion dollars available for transition funding.  Most  important, Ontario had moved to the HST and that would make many of our  businesses non-competitive unless we too moved to the HST.


The best  example I can think of is within our forestry industry. I am told that under the  current PST system in the forestry sector, the cost of that tax on cut lumber is  approx. $7.00/1000 board ft.  At a time when forestry is struggling and  lumber prices are down, that embedded PST can mean the difference between a mill  being open or being forced to close. Prices within forestry are extremely  competitive and under the HST, all of that provincial tax  will be  reclaimed thus reducing the cost of our forestry companies producing  lumber.  Forestry companies in Ontario were in the same position as those  in BC with embedded provincial sales tax, but now that Ontario is converting to  HST, their companies will see the cost decrease from converting to HST. Without  HST, undoubtedly, we would see more forestry workers losing their employment.  The HST will bring a total decrease in costs of an estimated 140 million dollars  to the industry. That can account for a substantial number of jobs being saved  or created. For many of us, this may not mean much, however for the many  families highly affected, this is critical to their jobs.


The HST  story is similar for many industries. We now live in a global world and our  industries must compete against the rest of the world both in products we  export, but also against products that are imported.  We are a resource  based economy with an emerging high tech industry. The HST is particularly  beneficial to these sectors of our economy.

Unfortunately, there is  much misinformation regarding the HST and that causes alarm.  For  example:


1.  You may have read the viral email that says a  seniors couple earning $41,000 annually will pay an additional $2100 per annum.  That couple would actually have to spend an additional $30,000 annually on goods  that are currently PST exempt to reach  $2100 in extra costs.  That is  just not possible.



- For a family of 4 with a $60,000 annual income the true impact is $8.91 per  month

 -For  a senior couple with a $30,000 annually,  the impact is an additional ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM                     

- For  a family of 4 with a $90,000 income the impact will be an additional $14.83 per  month.

- For a family of 4 with a $30,000 annual income there will actually be a  $44.58 per month     benefit. (because of the HST low income    credit)


2.  You may have heard that "Everything will cost  more"



-The vast majority of retail items will see no tax change with  HST. 

  examples are:  - New cars, boats, trucks and  RVs.

                           - Furniture and  electronics

                           - Kitchenware and  toiletries

                           - Hardware and  tools

                           - Adult  clothing

                           - Pet  food

                           - Most  groceries

                           - Car repairs


3.  You may have heard "You will pay more for car  insurance, home insurance, etc."



- These items are exempt from HST


4.   You may have heard that "Staying warm and keeping the lights on will cost  more"


-  Home heating fuels are all eligible for a point of  sale rebate and therefore will see no impact from the HST.  These  include:

                              - Oil and natural  gas

                              - Residential  electricity

                              - Propane

                              - Wood and wood pellets


5.  You may have heard "The disabled  will be hurt by additional cost for medical devices"


- The  following will not attract  HST:

                               - Hearing  aids

                               - Heart-monitoring  devices

                               - Hospital  beds

                               - Breathing apparatus and asthmatic  devices

                               - Prescription eyeglasses/contact  lenses

                               - Dentures, crowns, bridges, and orthodontic  appliances

                               - Wheelchairs, lifts, walkers, or locomotive  aids

                               - Prosthetic devices, canes or  crutches

                               - Aids for blind  individuals

                               - Guide dogs for the blind and assistance dogs for other disabled  persons.

                               - Supplies and services related to medical and assistive  devices.


6.  You might have heard that "Children's clothes and  shoes will increase due to the HST"




 - Children's  sized clothing and shoes will not be subject to HST.


7.  You  may have heard that "HST will hurt small business"



 -The HST will benefit most small businesses. It will replace the hidden sales  tax and small      businesses will get additional tax  cuts. Currently, PST is applied at every step in the creation of a  product.  Those multiple PST charges are embedded in the price you pay at  the store--even though you can't see it.  Of course you also pay PST on the  final purchase price.   Under the HST, most of those embedded costs  are removed and savings can be passed on to the consumer.


8.   You may have heard that the "HST will hurt the most vulnerable low income  families and individuals"



 - Individuals with income up to $20,000 per annum will receive a $230 HST  credit annually and families with income up to $25,000 will receive the $230 HST  credit per family member.


9.  You may have heard that "The HST  will drive up costs for school boards and communities thus driving up property  taxes"



- We are providing partial rebates of HST to municipalities, school boards, and  health authorities to ensure on average their costs are no higher than under the  PST structure.


10. You might have heard that "charities will suffer because of the HST"



 -BC is providing eligible charities with a 57% rebate of the provincial  portion of the HST paid. This is to ensure there is no additional cost for these charities and non-profit organizations.


Additionally we  have increased the basic personal exemption amount tax credit from $9373 to    $11,000.  This provides a personal tax reduction of up to $80 per annum  for single taxpayers and up to $160 per annum for taxpayers claiming a  spouse. That change alone will cover the HST costs for many individuals.


Overall, I understand that most people do not support the change to the HST.  Many are concerned that the government somehow knew before the election that we were going to the HST but withheld that from the public. As previously stated, this change was not contemplated prior to the election, but federal rules changed.  Economist John Maynard Keynes when asked why he had changed his mind on something once said: "When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do sir?"   


The HST is good for our economy, for families who are concerned about their employment, and for the companies that provide that    employment.  I believe the HST will be of enormous benefit to families throughout BC. With 130 countries now converted to the HST and the  majority of provinces converted we must also convert or lose competiveness and jobs.


I support the HST conversion because I believe it is the right thing for our province and I also believe politicians should do what they believe is right rather than what might be popular. For me, that is part of integrity.



Randy Hawes, MLA

Abbotsford -  Mission


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #204 on: May 01, 2010, 11:59:04 AM »

From A Liberal MLA, it still amazes me why do they not list the items that are actually going to be taxed. ::)

I thought that Mr Vanderzalm had taken responsibility for publishing that list of items on his website .....   ;D
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chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #205 on: May 01, 2010, 05:44:31 PM »

I thought that Mr Vanderzalm had taken responsibility for publishing that list of items on his website .....   ;D
Well I guess someone had to as the government is to scared to do so but it really does not matter as the saying goes "They are done like dinner"  ;D ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #206 on: May 02, 2010, 12:01:40 PM »

I'm so impressed with the citizens standing up to politicians that lie they're face off to get into power, especially after the dismal turnout for the last election. It took a lot of shenanigans by Campbell Inc. until the slumbering masses woke up and they're not the happiest group I've seen woken up from the hypnosis of Campbell. As the light starts to shine on ALL of the crap, lies and outright manipulation  they've pulled, the anger will continue to fester and the cockroaches will start scurrying for cover. I'm actually glad they brought in the GST as it exposed the arrogance that's been symbolic of the Liberals period of history in the province.

BTW- I was in Save On this morning, Leaf hats were marked down to 5.99 from 16.99, while Canuck hats were holding value. ;D ;D ;D
Well I guess someone had to as the government is to scared to do so but it really does not matter as the saying goes "They are done like dinner"  ;D ;D

Tiger Williams was the first to use the "done like dinner" wordage.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2010, 12:03:49 PM by Novabonker »


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #207 on: May 02, 2010, 02:37:24 PM »

From Van:

To: All British Columbians

What began as a simple tax protest has turned into an outright demand for democracy from an increasingly out of touch and dictatorial government in Victoria.

Our petition has exploded onto the scene in BC, with tens of thousands of signatures in just the first two weeks. We have already met or exceeded our targets in a number of ridings around BC, but people continue to sign in an effort to send a bigger and bigger message to government:

“We want democracy! We want to be heard! We want the politicians we elect to serve us, not the other way around!”

Much of this movement is a reaction to the unbelievably arrogant and intractable statements by the premier and many of his MLAs. News 1130 Radio on April 15 reported the following statement by the premier: Premier Gordon Campbell says it doesn't matter how many signatures the "No" forces gather.  "The HST has been done.  We are moving forward with it…”

It doesn’t matter how many citizens sign the petition? It doesn’t matter how many people oppose his policy? It doesn’t matter how many voters reject the direction of his government? They are going to do it anyway?

Does that sound like the Canada we all once knew? Does that sound like the freedom and democracy our ancestors fought and died for in two successive world wars? What is the point of electing MLAs to represent our wishes in Victoria if all they do is represent Victoria’s wishes to us instead?

I want to encourage everyone who cares about democracy in BC to sign our petition. We had originally hoped to get 15% of registered voters’ signatures (more than the 10% required) in every riding to ensure victory. But now, many are saying they want to go even higher to send the government a message.

From Nanaimo to Kelowna, to Kitimat and Courtenay, to Williams Lake and White Rock, to Salmon Arm and Cranbrook, and all points inbetween, people are signing in droves. In the North Peace, they have already signed 30% of the registered voters there. That is more people than actually voted for the government in the last election!

The Citizen Initiative petition is the greatest tool we have ever had to hold the government’s feet to the fire. It is the greatest chance we have ever had to tell the politicians that BC and Canada is a government of and for the people, not people of and for the government.

Keep signing the petition. Let’s get as many signatures as we can.

Let’s send the government a message they will never forget!

Bill Vander Zalm
Leader, Fight HST

aYup!  ;D

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #208 on: May 02, 2010, 09:55:21 PM »

From Van:

aYup!  ;D


We as of this evening have got 15% in our two ridings in Chilliwack already. ;D ;D ;D Going for more though. ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #209 on: May 03, 2010, 06:16:38 AM »

 From a small business on the GST

    I own a manufacturing company, typical I believe, with 1.5-3 million in sales a year over last 4 years, and 10-12 employees at any given time, in Delta...all probably typical for a small manufacturer...we make very automated machines primary for food, pharmaceutical, and plastics industries.

    I had our bookkeeper spend a day exporting the last few years data and then using Excel making a figure that represents how those years would have been with HST instead of PST/GST.

    We would have saved, oh yes indeed!
    A whomping .3% to .5%. Not 3%, NOT 5%....POINT 3% or POINT 5%! Less than 1% savings from this huge change to my company, which will never offset the added tax on every-ones personal spending!

    What savings am I going to pass on to our customers? I must now upgrade our accounting software, and be patient as our staff figure out the new rules...there is no savings , you are 100% correct.

    I was at a Langley City (where I live) open house and the local MLA Marry Polak commented strongly that there would be huge savings as manufactures could have HST rebated...

    ...I commented that manufactures are currently PST exempt and GST ITC I asked where are the savings from?? Where? How?

    Honestly, she looked surprised and politely told me she has been assured there is a savings for I ask...anyone...where is this savings coming from, what am I missing?

« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 06:18:23 AM by Novabonker »