Gee I thought this was a fishing site, it seems to be more an NDP site right now with lets bash the liberals.
I know one thing for sure, if you guys hate Gordon, just imagine what it would be like under Carole.
Before any recalls or any other actions got get rid of Carole who is pretty much useless.
Oh how soon we forget Clark and the other cronies and all their corruption and boondoggles.
Its very simple let vote the NDP in, on the pretense of saving the fish (which is federal not provincial anyway) and destroy the economy with the NDP's idiotic policies.
As for the HST as I said before, I've done all the calculations and at the end of the day as a farmer I come out a head. I.e. Making money.
Unlike the rest of the sheep out there my decision is based on study and calculation not listening to rhetoric fromany of the political hacks on both side of the issue.
cheers and lets get back to fishing!!