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Author Topic: Fight The HST!  (Read 159515 times)


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #315 on: May 30, 2010, 10:04:43 AM »

I reiterate - Why should Joe and Mary pay MORE taxes so business can pay LESS? And don't tell me the present regime hasn't put business ahead of the citizens many times in it's rule.Look at how they've slashed business taxes, the banks being a prime example.BTW -Wasn't that a sweet deal Carole Taylor got cut by TD when she resigned?Part time job, a few hundred grand a year. Couldn't have been anything to do with the 1oo million tax break. But if you read the business section, this week especially, they're turning monster profits- untaxed. I'm not understanding why the citizens should pay more taxes to subsidize business. Again - if you don't have the smarts to make your business run, than you aren't smart enough to run a business.

Thanks for the withering reply, but instead AF - Why don't you explain your theories so we "little people", all 500,000 of us and counting, unwashed and uninformed as we are, have both sides. ;D ;D ;D

PS- Eye apaulegice fer meye lak uf enteellect, butt eye onlee dun gradgeeateed grate sefen. Eye eain't es smert es ewe. ;D ;D ;D
(Posted in jest)


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #316 on: May 30, 2010, 11:30:11 AM »

Typical die hard NDP statement.  claiming to be "we little people  what a joke.

With the huge number of posts, must be a paid staunch NDP supporter with a definite gender.

Carole James for next premier, now that's an even scarier thought the Campbell.

Better to have a government in favour of business rather than one against it.

As for government wasting tax money another  laugh   name me a government anywhere in north America in the past 50 years that doesn't waste money.

Every government, whether its liberal, conservative or NDP is the same so its a moot point.

If you want the jobs so people can feed their families then businesses have to make money and make a profit, If that involves businesses paying less taxes so be it.

Once you switch the tax burden to businesses, its over, jobs lost, unemployment rises, just look at the last time NDP ran this province, what a disaster.

I for one barely broke even with those NDP  idiots in power, its funny with the liberals, profit has returned to the business.

So once again hard work gets rewarded rather than penalized. Sure which I had more time for fishing like the freeloaders!!


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #317 on: May 30, 2010, 01:30:25 PM »

Odd post - You assume me to be an NDP member. Hate to tell you this, but that's not the case. The truth be known, it's time to blast them all out of the water if they continue to serve special interest groups, instead of the citizens.I still stand by my statement that if you can't run a business successfully, either through financial incompetence or just plain poor business skills, without government lolly or on the backs of working people - get a job. Why should I pay for your lack of acumen? Check out this link, but that's only statistics.

"With the huge number of posts, must be a paid staunch NDP supporter with a definite gender."
Yes, I have a gender - Male. What does my gender have to do with this? ??? ??? ???
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 05:04:14 AM by Novabonker »


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #318 on: May 30, 2010, 02:03:52 PM »

Statistics can be massaged to say anything you want them to (or don't want them to).

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. " - Disraeli


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #319 on: May 30, 2010, 09:40:25 PM »

Statistics can be massaged to say anything you want them to (or don't want them to).

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. " - Disraeli

Yes indeed - GDP is a dream of some air headed Fraser Institute flunkie. ::)

I wonder where all the Voodoo spin doctor economists quoted here got their info from???
« Last Edit: May 31, 2010, 08:06:36 AM by Novabonker »

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #320 on: May 31, 2010, 04:11:21 PM »

An update from Bill, looking fantastic. ;D ;D ;D

Hello Chris

Fight HST petition reaches 10% requirement in all 85 ridings

600,000 signatures province-wide, 71 ridings pass 15% or greater threshold, including Vancouver Quilchena.

Vander Zalm calls on Premier Campbell to conduct a “free vote” to repeal HST

Port Coquitlam – Fight HST lead organizer, Chris Delaney, says the petition to repeal the HST broke 600,000 signatures province wide this past weekend, and crossed the 10% minimum signature threshold in all 85 electoral districts. He says 71 ridings have hit 15% or better, including Finance Minister Hansen's own riding of Vancouver Quilchena.

Delaney says organizers are on track to achieve 15% or more signatures in the remaining 14 ridings by the end of next week. “This report represents only 70 of 85 ridings, with a number of ridings not reporting this week, and others still tabulating results from the weekend. We should make our internal 15% target in all ridings by the first or second week of June.”

Fight HST leader, Bill Vander Zalm, is urging Premier Gordon Campbell to conduct a free and open vote to repeal the HST when the petition Bill is presented to the legislature later this fall.

“We are calling on Premier Campbell to allow his MLAs to vote according to their constituent’s wishes to repeal the HST. With so many Liberals in weak ridings where they are certain to be Recalled if they vote against the petition, it is only fair to allow them the chance to save their political careers,” said Vander Zalm.

Vander Zalm said that the Initiative Act was designed to reflect public opinion on issues of major importance to British Columbians. Not allowing MLAs to vote in support of their constituents wishes would be completely contrary to the spirit of the legislation.

“When Premier Campbell was first elected in 2001, he put out a paper stating he would overhaul the Recall and Initiative Act to make it more workable. He also committed himself to the concepts of direct democracy, transparency, and greater accountability to voters. In fact, he said repeatedly that his government would be the most transparent and accountable in the history of BC,” said Vander Zalm.

“Many people do not believe him anymore. They think he deliberately deceived people just to get their votes, since he never followed up on any of those promises.”

Vander Zalm points out that the premier’s recent comments regarding the HST petition have sent conflicting signals.

“He has admitted he now knows that British Columbians oppose his tax. He has agreed to allow the process to go forward, and to abide by the Initiative Act. This gives the impression that he’s going to listen to the people. But he recently told his friends in big business he will deliver on his promise to transfer the entire sales tax burden from them to consumers. He can’t have it both ways.”

Vander Zalm says such promises to business beg the question, “Who does the premier answer to? The three million registered voters of BC, or a handful or wealthy businessmen who finance his Liberal party?”

“The Fight HST petition, with over 600,000 signatures from all 85 ridings, is Premier Campbell’s chance to show the people he wasn’t lying. It’s his chance to show he really does believe in democratic accountability and listening to voters. He can do that by cancelling the HST now, or at least allowing his MLAs a free vote,” Vander Zalm concluded.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #321 on: May 31, 2010, 04:33:24 PM »

New tax coming...
Sports Fisherman Tax...
They are going to get it from you one way or another.  All the people donating their time for signitures is great, shows you don't take it bending over, but you will still get stuck up the wazoo when you are sleeping... 
I have no right to comment on this debate because I never have and never will become a person who votes ( unless they bring back capital punishment, and I will be the first in line with a loaded gun  )..
The effort that people put out is great and all that warm fuzzy stuff. But is it really going to change things at the end of the day..
They have to get money frrom somewhere, and they all lie their asses off..  Start a small home based business and see how much you can take the tax man for, it is the only way I see to beat them at their own game, and it is legal...
Are you fishin or catchin

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #322 on: May 31, 2010, 04:53:26 PM »

New tax coming...
Sports Fisherman Tax...
They are going to get it from you one way or another.  All the people donating their time for signitures is great, shows you don't take it bending over, but you will still get stuck up the wazoo when you are sleeping... 
I have no right to comment on this debate because I never have and never will become a person who votes ( unless they bring back capital punishment, and I will be the first in line with a loaded gun  )..
The effort that people put out is great and all that warm fuzzy stuff. But is it really going to change things at the end of the day..
They have to get money frrom somewhere, and they all lie their asses off..  Start a small home based business and see how much you can take the tax man for, it is the only way I see to beat them at their own game, and it is legal...

I can relate to your frustration but if we all sit on the sidelines things could be and get worse. We are a democratic society and many men and women including my dad risked their lives fighting to preserve our freedom that includes making sure we have the right to exercise our franchise.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #323 on: June 02, 2010, 09:17:16 AM »

I can relate to your frustration but if we all sit on the sidelines things could be and get worse. We are a democratic society and many men and women including my dad risked their lives fighting to preserve our freedom that includes making sure we have the right to exercise our franchise.

Very well put Chris. I had 2 uncles that never made it home.

Yesterday, a customer engaged me in a conversation about the HST. When he stated all the "benefits" , I stated my points, including the lies delivered before the election. We both agreed on Campbell (his thought on Campbell "A waste of skin" ;D") and the way it was introduced as being pathetic at best. I suggested that the way Ontario handled it was better, but still lacking in input from the electorate. My point being, even pro HST advocates have no trust for Campbell Inc.

"I'm not a big fan of direct democracy." -- B.C. Liberal MLA Terry Lake

This sums up the disdain that the Liberals hold for the citizens - that they work for (allegedly) and any opinion they have regarding odious legislation. And this moron is the chair of the committee that decides the fate of the initiative.

The arrogance is overwhelming.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 05:07:22 AM by Novabonker »

Bavarian Raven

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #324 on: June 02, 2010, 09:26:37 AM »

The truth be known, it's time to blast them all out of the water if they continue to serve special interest groups, instead of the citizens.I still stand by my statement that if you can't run a business successfully, either through financial incompetence or just plain poor business skills, without government lolly or on the backs of working people - get a job. Why should I pay for your lack of acumen?

i couldnt agree more. if you are struggling so, get rid of your business becuz u aint cut out to run it.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #325 on: June 02, 2010, 10:11:47 AM »

Funny how the pro HST group is lining up to get government "gifts", but always calls those that don't support the tax and work for a living "freeloaders" or insist we aren't sophisticated enough to understand. ::) ::) ::). The government crows about the lowest income tax rates, lowest corporate tax rates, and all the wonderful issues regarding what they've done for business, but to make up they increase taxes and fees on Joe Average. When I have a little more time, I'll post about business in BC that won't give a penny back as the products don't sell here and they're based abroad.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #326 on: June 02, 2010, 11:18:41 AM »

NB - Since you stated that you are a businessman - and you also stated that businesses should pay they 'fair' share of tax:

- How much of a Business Tax increase are you willing take on as a Businessman? (since they have dropped in the past several years as you also stated)  
- How much will you absorb before you pass it on to your consumers?  (Unless your consumer is in fact the goverment which then we know they'll pay almost anything).  
- How much higher can you charge the consumer before the consumer looks elsewhere?

What do you do then? How do you better your competitiveness?  How do you reduce your costs to entice the consumer back and still make a profit?
- Do you trim payroll / benefits / go hungry?
- How long before you start moaning that your business tax is too high?
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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #327 on: June 02, 2010, 08:33:59 PM »

Well this has to be one of the dumbest statements of all time!!

I'll post about business in BC that won't give a penny back as the products don't sell here and they're based abroad

This is so typical of the NDP hacks, they have no clue about business and how those companies that make products in BC and sell them overseas are critical for our existence and life style in BC.
They bring the money back to BC, which is paid in taxes, wages, employee benefits , social payments. Sure lets cut back on these businesses and watch them take their operations elsewhere, where they are welcomed with open arms. And String them up if they dare make a profit or the hard working pepole have better lives. Freeloaders always complain and what everything delivered to them without having to do a decent days work.  The loader the complaints the more they want.



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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #328 on: June 02, 2010, 09:42:45 PM »

New tax coming...
Sports Fisherman Tax...
They are going to get it from you one way or another.  All the people donating their time for signitures is great, shows you don't take it bending over, but you will still get stuck up the wazoo when you are sleeping... 
I have no right to comment on this debate because I never have and never will become a person who votes ( unless they bring back capital punishment, and I will be the first in line with a loaded gun  )..
The effort that people put out is great and all that warm fuzzy stuff. But is it really going to change things at the end of the day..
They have to get money frrom somewhere, and they all lie their asses off..  Start a small home based business and see how much you can take the tax man for, it is the only way I see to beat them at their own game, and it is legal...

Atleast people stand up for what they believe in. Doing nothing always gets you the same thing...NOTHING

This coming from a guy who is still on the fence about the HST

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #329 on: June 02, 2010, 10:14:19 PM »

Atleast people stand up for what they believe in. Doing nothing always gets you the same thing...NOTHING

This coming from a guy who is still on the fence about the HST
If you actually read the post I said I think it is great that people are putting in their time for the HST issue.
HST is less than a month away,,, maybe it is time to get off the fence.....
Personally I will get more money back if HST goes ahead. 
Are you fishin or catchin