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Author Topic: Fight The HST!  (Read 159513 times)


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #360 on: June 11, 2010, 10:05:11 AM »

The first to abandon the sinking ship?


Jun 11, 2010







chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #361 on: June 11, 2010, 10:21:31 AM »

Good for Blair.

This is a prime example of why is was important to oppose the HST. It certainly distills what many were saying it was a waste of time working on gathering names for the petition. If all that were concerned and just did nothing this would have not happened. It shows people power does exist and it may make politicans of all parties pay more attention to the public in the future. Democracy lives and I wonder who will be the next to leave, hopefully it will be the HST.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #362 on: June 11, 2010, 10:39:32 AM »

Good for Blair.

This is a prime example of why is was important to oppose the HST. It certainly distills what many were saying it was a waste of time working on gathering names for the petition. If all that were concerned and just did nothing this would have not happened. It shows people power does exist and it may make politicans of all parties pay more attention to the public in the future. Democracy lives and I wonder who will be the next to leave, hopefully it will be the HST.

This is probably the first time you and I disagree on this matter......  ;D

All this is a prime example of is a weak knee'd MLA who supported doing the right thing for the province until he realized that it might effect his ability to get votes in the next election. Then he caved and put his opportunity to get elected ahead of his responsibility to do the right thing!

I hear that the BC Conservatives are looking for a candidate in that constituency.....  any bets on where he ends up?

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chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #363 on: June 11, 2010, 10:41:55 AM »

This is probably the first time you and I disagree on this matter......  ;D

All this is a prime example of is a weak knee'd MLA who supported doing the right thing for the province until he realized that it might effect his ability to get votes in the next election. Then he caved and put his opportunity to get elected ahead of his responsibility to do the right thing!

I hear that the BC Conservatives are looking for a candidate in that constituency.....  any bets on where he ends up?

Any bets who will be joining him? ;D ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #364 on: June 11, 2010, 10:47:34 AM »

Any bets who will be joining him? ;D ;D

Hopefully all the rest of the weak knee'd ministers in the Liberal party......   ;D  ;D
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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #365 on: June 11, 2010, 11:01:18 AM »

Hopefully all the rest of the weak knee'd ministers in the Liberal party......   ;D  ;D

Ummm... Wouldn't that be the Entire Lot??  ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #366 on: June 11, 2010, 11:22:07 AM »

Maybe he sees something nasty coming down the pipe related to his own portfolio (energy, mines and petroleum resources) and is using the HST as a convenient excuse to get out of Dodge without raising suspicions.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #367 on: June 11, 2010, 11:25:34 AM »

Ummm... Wouldn't that be the Entire Lot??  ;D

It took a lot of guts (read no weak knee's) to put HST in place. As much as the Liberal party can be criticized for many things, putting in a tax that has some logic to it (versus the PST) took a lot of guts.

Even Lekstrom acknowledges that the HST is a good decision. "I recognize and admit that I supported the HST when our government made the decision to move forward with it last summer. And, as a member of Caucus and Cabinet, I can confirm that the HST was not contemplated before the May 2009 election. This is not about being right or wrong; in fact, I firmly believe that government is making a decision they believe will help the province, but as we have been unable to bring the public along.....    As the demand for services continues to grow, we must review current systems and make some difficult decisions; do we increase income taxes, increase the PST, implement the HST or cut programs and services? I firmly believe that British Columbians must be realistic and recognize that without a strong economy and competitive tax regimes, government cannot afford to meet their continued demands for increased investments in health care, education, social services and all other programs British Columbians enjoy."
loosely translated ......    "I know HST is the right decision, but I need my job so I'll say and do anything, to try get the public to like me"   ???

They say if you can't stand the heat..... get out of the kitchen!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 11:29:30 AM by alwaysfishn »
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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #368 on: June 11, 2010, 12:39:04 PM »

I simply don't perceive caving to the DickTator's demand that the entire LIEberal Party get onside with this grossly unpopular tax (or face the consequences) as anything even remotely close to "a lot of guts". In fact, my thoughts are that the majority are indeed a collection of Spineless Sheep who are so cowed by their current leader and his demands to stay in line that they downright fear any form of dissent. Certainly there may be those who actually believe in this action, but methinks the larger component simply follow along blindly, as they are directed to. To stray from that particular path takes far more intestinal fortitude IMHO than sticking with the increasingly disastrous party line.

And yes, there is indeed shortfalls in the Provincial coffers. But there are a great many alternatives that could (should?) be considered before imposing an Ottawa controlled taxation system:
- Perhaps consider reducing the incessant salary increases and pensions handed over to those that continuously screw us while engaged in "politics" provincially;
- Perhaps consider re-instating the multi-billion dollar tax breaks joyfully handed over to Banks and Big Business and expecting the Common Man to pick up the slack;
- Perhaps consider NOT throwing cost-prohibitive Glory-Seeking Parties when faced with increasing debt loads and a struggling economy;
- Perhaps consider NOT spending taxpayers dollars on world gallivanting, personal enriching extravaganzas;
- Perhaps realizing that the taxation rate in this Province is right there amongst the highest in the Western World, and is quickly nearing the Breaking Point;
- Perhaps just a little consideration to Moderation when spending willy-nilly on so many worthless projects, and a little (LOT?) more focus on what Basic Requirements are...

The list could go on and on, but methinks you'll get the point. The basic frivolous nature of the LIEberals handling of the Provincial coffers is the amongst the greatest strains on available funding. A LOT more focus should be centered on Requirements, rather than on foolish and often flamboyant expenditures. Under this current regime, that ain't at all likely to happen. So be it, they WILL reap what they have sown, and methinks when the "legacy" of Gordo is eventually written, it will most likely not be all that complimentary.

The People are speaking, yet the ProvGov chooses to blatantly ignore the message. Takes "guts"? No, more so takes an Inane Fool at the helm to jeopardize the whole.


chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #369 on: June 11, 2010, 12:53:33 PM »

I simply don't perceive caving to the DickTator's demand that the entire LIEberal Party get onside with this grossly unpopular tax (or face the consequences) as anything even remotely close to "a lot of guts". In fact, my thoughts are that the majority are indeed a collection of Spineless Sheep who are so cowed by their current leader and his demands to stay in line that they downright fear any form of dissent. Certainly there may be those who actually believe in this action, but methinks the larger component simply follow along blindly, as they are directed to. To stray from that particular path takes far more intestinal fortitude IMHO than sticking with the increasingly disastrous party line.

And yes, there is indeed shortfalls in the Provincial coffers. But there are a great many alternatives that could (should?) be considered before imposing an Ottawa controlled taxation system:
- Perhaps consider reducing the incessant salary increases and pensions handed over to those that continuously screw us while engaged in "politics" provincially;
- Perhaps consider re-instating the multi-billion dollar tax breaks joyfully handed over to Banks and Big Business and expecting the Common Man to pick up the slack;
- Perhaps consider NOT throwing cost-prohibitive Glory-Seeking Parties when faced with increasing debt loads and a struggling economy;
- Perhaps consider NOT spending taxpayers dollars on world gallivanting, personal enriching extravaganzas;
- Perhaps realizing that the taxation rate in this Province is right there amongst the highest in the Western World, and is quickly nearing the Breaking Point;
- Perhaps just a little consideration to Moderation when spending willy-nilly on so many worthless projects, and a little (LOT?) more focus on what Basic Requirements are...

The list could go on and on, but methinks you'll get the point. The basic frivolous nature of the LIEberals handling of the Provincial coffers is the amongst the greatest strains on available funding. A LOT more focus should be centered on Requirements, rather than on foolish and often flamboyant expenditures. Under this current regime, that ain't at all likely to happen. So be it, they WILL reap what they have sown, and methinks when the "legacy" of Gordo is eventually written, it will most likely not be all that complimentary.

The People are speaking, yet the ProvGov chooses to blatantly ignore the message. Takes "guts"? No, more so takes an Inane Fool at the helm to jeopardize the whole.

Great post, I feel good today that I took the time to gather some names on the petition even though I did not get as many as some others that worked in our riding. One couple got close to 3,000. ;D ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #370 on: June 11, 2010, 01:17:28 PM »

The People are speaking, yet the ProvGov chooses to blatantly ignore the message.

Unfortunately because of the Liberals fumbled introduction of the HST the people are speaking but they are speaking from ignorance and misinformation. If the Liberals had of registered an opposition to the HST they could at least have spoken to it. As it is the only "information" out there is whatever the Zalm needs to say in order to get people to sign his petition. Hopefully we will see a major information campaign once the gag order is lifted.

By the way Nog, the personal tax rates in BC are the lowest in Canada!
Bank taxes are a Federal responsibility.... the rest of your points are peanuts as far as a percentage of BC's expenditures.

Let me leave you with a quote from the fellow that is "The first to abandon the sinking ship" ....    "As the demand for services continues to grow, we must review current systems and make some difficult decisions; do we increase income taxes, increase the PST, implement the HST or cut programs and services? I firmly believe that British Columbians must be realistic and recognize that without a strong economy and competitive tax regimes, government cannot afford to meet their continued demands for increased investments in health care, education, social services and all other programs British Columbian's enjoy."

He gets it!

Too bad he left the ship.....   :(

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #371 on: June 11, 2010, 02:46:06 PM »

...By the way Nog, the personal tax rates in BC are the lowest in Canada!

But... the "hidden" taxes (gasoline, alcohol, etc etc) and the various provincial grabs ARE amongst the highest. Have a boo, given your researching skills, I'm certain you can find it  ;)

Bank taxes are a Federal responsibility....

Wrong. Shall I remind you of a previous post on the matter:

"- Phasing-out the Corporation Capital Tax which generated $100 million-plus annually for Victoria over most of the last decade and was applied mainly to the country's big banks. The Banks are certainly Happy, but the tax-payer picks up the tab.

- At the same time the above noted tax on the banks etc was being eliminated, Carole Taylor, Hansen's predecessor at the finance department introduced a new levy called the Financial Institutions Minimum Tax. This was designed to ensure that Canada's banks, insurance companies and trusts, all headquartered outside B.C. -- and very, very profitable -- nonetheless would continue to pay some monies (albeit much-reduced than formerly) directly into the provincial treasury.
Hansen and his government colleagues instead opted to repeal the minimum financial institutions tax -- even before it takes effect! So, two years after deciding to forgo most of the $100 million-plus generated annually for the province by the corporation capital tax -- instead accepting a one-time payment $48 million -- the Campbell Liberals now have resolved to let Canada's big banks keep the entire amount and pay nothing to Victoria. Again, the Banks are Happy."

The rest of your points are peanuts as far as a percentage of BC's expenditures.

Ya Think?? Really  ???

Rack up exactly what the salary increases and pensions now cost in TOTAL for our "governing body". Get back to me once you have, and justify that as "peanuts" please.

Glory Seeking Parties? Care to hazard a guess as to just what the GordOlympics set us back? Peanuts you say?? Methinks NOT. We'll collectively be paying off that little scenario for a lot longer than the lifespan of the LIEberals here!

And just what did that little trip of Gordo's to the exclusive Club cost the taxpayer? Kinda funny even he can't speak to any benefits whatsoever dontcha think?

These are but a few examples of the mismanagement of tax funding since the LIEberals assumed control. There are many more. Each unto themselves are eye-opening, and collectively represent a LOT more than "peanuts" being wasted.

Perhaps the fellow who wandered does realize the extent of the shortcomings. It is however apparent that neither he, Gordo nor you recognize just how significant a role the LIEberals played in the development thereof. Perhaps you might want to reflect on the reference to "moderation" and plying attention to necessary requirements over foolishness and flamboyancy I noted above. Methinks if the LIEberals had done so, we'd collectively be a LOT better off in the overall picture!

Too bad he left the ship you say? I say Good On Him for refusing to cave into the DickTator's demands and walking away. Methinks over the next little while he ain't going to be wandering too far alone. Further, methinks that many of his cronies are likely to be foist out via RECALL in the foreseeable future. Can't think of a better answer to the bullying, open lying, arrogance and fear driven domination that well describes the current regime!

Regardless of your stance, change is indeed in the air. You can choose to try and defend the group that openly ignores the desires of it's populace, spends money like no tomorrow, while aggressively attacking our natural resource base here. Myself, methinks I'll be seeking an option. ANY option looks good at this point...

Have a Nice Day!  ;D
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 02:48:38 PM by IronNoggin »


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #372 on: June 11, 2010, 03:36:37 PM »

Geez Nog - I've been saying the same things, nowhere near as eloquently, but a few can't seem to comprehend that THERE'S BEEN ENOUGH GIVEN TO BUSINESS SINCE CAMPBELL CAME TO POWER. . Nog didn't mention the slide in the overalll corporate tax rate as well.The pendulum has swung as far to the right as it can travel. No more squeezing the citizens to hand off to business, that if run well will turn a profit. If not, why the heck should the citizens pick up the tab?. To reward ineptitude or an utter lack of business acumen? A direct transfer to business off the backs of the working stiff to banks and such and giving up sovereign rights to taxation is plain lunacy.There's the trickle down theory blown out of the water- my bank fees haven't dropped, despite the tax give away, that the citizens pick up the tab for.  Campbell is gone soon, that's a foregone conclusion.Best before date is long gone, he has no credibility left, which is gone with any smattering of integrity he allegedly had. I'm not sure if Lekstrom's resignation was actually conscience or self preservation, but one down and representing the wishes of his constituents instead of Captain Campbell is a good start. These people work for us - Should we take that kind of insubordination from employees?

This wax isn't working any more.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2010, 07:09:03 AM by Novabonker »

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #373 on: June 12, 2010, 08:32:37 PM »

Press Release

Fight HST encourages other BC Liberal MLAs to do the right thing to stop the HST before it is imposed on July 1

Delta – Fight HST is welcoming today’s resignation by Energy Minister Blair Lekstrom from both the BC Liberal caucus and cabinet over his opposition to imposing the Harmonized Sales Tax.

And Fight HST citizens Initiative leader Bill Vander Zalm says if other BC Liberal MLAs would show the same integrity and courage that Lekstrom demonstrated, the HST could be stopped before it is imposed by Premier Gordon Campbell on July 1.

“Today could mark the end of the Harmonized Sales Tax in British Columbia and the beginning of elected provincial Members of the Legislative Assembly actually listening to the majority of voters,” said Vander Zalm, a former BC premier who started the anti-HST Initiative petition that has gathered over 620,000 signatures – enough to easily meet Elections BC requirements in every one of BC’s 85 ridings.

“What Blair Lekstrom did today in resigning not only his cabinet post but his BC Liberal caucus membership was an act of integrity and courage showing he is listening to the constituent who elected him as an MLA,” Vander Zalm said.

“If just a few more BC Liberal MLAs would do the same it would force Premier Campbell to stop the imposition of the HST because his government would lack the moral authority and political support to continue,” Vander Zalm concluded.

Lekstrom said in his resignation statement that: “I fundamentally disagree with the direction our government is headed on the HST.”

Fight HST Lead Organizer Chris Delaney said it’s clear from Lekstrom’s dramatic move that BC Liberal MLAs are starting to realize the overwhelming opposition of the public to the HST will have real consequences for those who ignore it.

“Blair Lekstrom has done the right thing – it’s never too late to realize your mistake – but other BC Liberal MLAs have to realize that the public is furious and they will hold those responsible for the HST to account – probably sooner than the government expected,” Delaney said.

The Fight HST campaign plans to wrap up Initiative petition gathering earlier than the July 5 deadline because of the amazing public response and file the petition at the end of June, Delaney said.

Blair Lekstrom heard from the people in his riding and across the province – it’s time for other BC Liberal MLAs to do the same and stop the HST now while they still can,” said Delaney


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #374 on: June 12, 2010, 09:30:30 PM »

BREAKING NEWS: The Blair Lekstrom Project–Replacing Jay Hill

Of course we are all a flutter over the mammoth news out of Victoria this day: A senior Cabinet Minister has bolted from Gordon Campbell’s rapidly disintegrating bailiwick.

And ain’t that grand? Because the superlatives to describe such heroism have been nauseating.

Blair Lekstrom is a principled man. Blair Lekstrom is a fighter. Blair Lekstrom is a man of honour, integrity, commitment. Constituents first! Hosana! Hubba-hubba!

He’s a hero! He’s able to leap tall buildings and the Premier’s ego (much taller), in a single bound. Praise the Lord! He’ll solve Third World Hunger! He’ll get ‘Dancing With the Stars’ cancelled!

He walks on water!

Blair Lekstrom cares about you–first.

Okay, not so fast.

There is no question that the Premier has comported himself foolishly, and, almost beyond repair, has shattered his party. And that his political career is finished thanks to his incurable megalomania. But this whole business about Blair Lekstrom vacating from the Liberal side of the aisle because of the HST is not the story.

When I heard about it this morning, I decided to do a little digging. So, while everyone else tells you what a major blow this is to the government–because a popular and reasonable Cabinet member has departed–keep reading and then at the end, you tell me what you really think about Mr. Lekstrom’s heroics.

Firstly, Blair Lekstrom, while competent and popular, was NEVER a Liberal. A dyed-in-wool Tory, he probably went into convulsions over the fact that he had to refer to himself any other way. There is no question that he was a loyal soldier, but his Ministry (of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources) has basically been run by the Premier’s Office, specifically Chief of Staff Martyn Brown. Lekstrom was never comfortable with this and was also skeptical of the whole climate change ‘green’ file and the millions being wasted. Along with John Les, Gordie Hogg, Iain Black, John Rustad, Joan McIntyre and several others, he saw the hypocrisy in what Campbell was selling to the public and didn’t like it.

Secondly, Lekstrom is one of about a dozen MLAs (including four Cabinet Ministers) who has expressed to other members of caucus that the Premier must go. He understands the damage and particularly where he’s from, very soon, there will be no turning back: Northern BCers are some of the hardest working and most decent people in the country–forgiveness will become a four-letter word if Campbell stays on much longer.

Lastly, ever since federal Conservative MP Jay Hill announced a few months ago that he was not going to run in the next election, people close to Lekstrom and two high-ranking federal Tory officials confirmed for me today, that he’s been eyeing that seat. And it makes perfect sense. He’s a great candidate for them: a down-to-earth good ole boy, competent and capable. He was a great Mayor for Dawson Creek. He’d be a lock if he wins the nomination for Prince George-Peace River, where the HST anger has reached such a feverish pitch that the number of those signed up in that riding has exceeded the amount that voted for him in the last provincial election. Moreover, as MLA for Peace River South, there is a great deal of overlap not just geographically, but influentially. So, jumping off the provincial bandwagon, at this point–aflame as it is, makes perfect sense for Lekstrom.

Hence, beware of all the pundits and pontificators in the media telling you that Lekstrom is a hero. He’s not. And that he’s mavericky and won’t put up with Campbell’s horse manure. He won’t. Or that he’s looking out for you–first–because the HST is so unpalatable and he’s just representing his people, because that may very well be…

But that isn’t because he’s looking after you–first. He’s looking after himself–you just happened to be a convenient beneficiary.

A hero would have stood up and said in a loud, clear voice: “Premier Campbell has to stop with his completely reckless agenda and leave office NOW, and take with him Mr. Hansen, Ms. Polak and everyone else of his die-nevers, including his pals who have treated the provinces best assets, like trains, rivers and prime properties as a monopoly board, and get the hell out of here, never to return–GORDON CAMPBELL ISN’T JUST DESTROYING THIS PARTY, HE’S DESTROYING THE PROVINCE”.

Now THAT would have been tough; THAT would have been mavericky; THAT would have been brutally honest.

Being a tough guy is staying and fighting for what’s right and, thus far, not a single Cabinet Minister or MLA has had the good sense to do this. Not one. They are ALL complicit, notwithstanding Mr. Falcon, Mr. Abbott and astoundingly, Mr. DeJong, are all oiling up for a poseurs pantheon of piffle (none of them can win the next election–not a Gordon Campbell’s chance in Heaven) And particularly considering it was DeJong who mindlessly gave Campbell the insane advice to ignore Bill VanderZalm and the anti-HST crowd, there isn’t an astute political operator among them–Lekstrom included.

All this proves is that it might look like Blair Lekstrom opened the door for enough dissent to walk out the Liberal door and get Campbell gone, but that just isn’t the case my friends.

If you add all this to Carole Taylor’s (I’m told) totally evaporated interest in saving it all, and Dianne Watts’ steely determination in having remade Surrey as B.C.’s runaway number one city for families to live and work in, it spells trouble with a capital ‘T’ for the Liberals–unless either of them decides to step up–because Taylor and Watts are the only two that can knock off the NDP threat (although you’d think the NDP would be pummeling the Liberals instead of confusedly lolly-gagging some three hundred thousand feet behind The Zalm’s after burners).

And never mind the flowery reviews by lazy radio talkshow hosts with binder reading addiction, who tell you that last night’s Premier’s Dinner was a success–the whisper was almost audible: “When is this (insert expletive describing your second-most popular orifice here) going to be gone?!”

No, Lekstrom could have been a tough guy, he’s certainly got the jam and called the Premier out yesterday morning, right before the dinner–and made him pay a little for his enormous sins, but no, not our Blair.

Hero? Maybe. Eventually…for the federal Conservatives.

But he’s got to win the nomination.

You heard it here, first

- Alex Tsakumis
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