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Author Topic: Fight The HST!  (Read 159514 times)


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #390 on: June 21, 2010, 11:05:04 PM »

HST is not going over too well with the native Indians (aboriginals) in N. Ontario....latest news is they blocked a railway track protesting it !!!
If this HST taxed items/serices as what the tax is now there would be NO OUT-CRY but when people PAY MORE TAX yearly from their personal pocket ...then it is a no brainer. WE THE PEOPLE DO NOT WANT IT. GORDO'S HEAD ON A PLATTER ON THIS ISSUE......politically speaking of course. Read Chris's post at the bottom of page 26....He brings out great facts. Over $500 extra tax...& for some I've heard even as much as $2000 extra tax !!!!
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 11:08:15 PM by arimaBOATER »


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #391 on: June 22, 2010, 06:17:46 AM »

Hilarious AF!!! The Fraser Institute doesn't support Campbell inc.-  now I don't care who you are -that's funny!. You must be part ostrich to have your head that far in the sand ( or elsewhere ;)) But of course they support staying at the lowest minimum wage, repeating the bullspit about "These are all just kids living at home" that Scumball trots out when that sore subject is brought up. Of course the best part is paying "training wages" of 6 bucks an hour-AND you can call someone in for 2 hours work - FOR A WHOLE 12 BUCKS!!!. Now if you have to travel by bus over 2 zones, there goes half of that kings ransom The Fraser Institute is a lesion on society and any thinking human realizes they're irrelevant, right wing whack jobs.

I listened to a Stepford wife, um, Fraser Institute flapjack on NW yesterday. The man made an utter my friend of himself.I also note he didn't stick around to take more than on call because his "points" didn't line up with the facts.

Thank you AF- I haven't laughed that hard in years!
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 06:21:43 AM by Novabonker »

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #392 on: June 22, 2010, 08:06:01 AM »


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #393 on: June 22, 2010, 08:38:01 AM »

--again good things turned bad... a training wage could be good... if the person was actually being paid even token amount and receiving valuable training that would transition to a decent job. It was not supposed to be the minimum acceptable standard for a wage and an abusive way around labour laws.
--As a former fishing store owner... I liked the min wage.. because we always paid higher we got quality people. The only people in the store that got min or less wage was myself and my partner some months but we made a living and eventually benefitted from the hard work of our staff and ourselves.

--I'm sure the Centre for Policy Alternatives.... the counter balance to the Frazer Institute would have some views on the issue.

--Myself: I enjoy the articles and information put out from the Frazer Institute as most often I find anything they like is usually.. (I'll give them not always) not good for me.

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #394 on: June 23, 2010, 04:45:25 PM »

Hello Chris

We have a new Press Release about the Fraser Institute Report available to be viewed on our website: If the link fails, please copy the entire underlined link and paste it into your web browser to view the report.



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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #395 on: June 23, 2010, 06:16:08 PM »

Hello Chris

We have a new Press Release about the Fraser Institute Report available to be viewed on our website: If the link fails, please copy the entire underlined link and paste it into your web browser to view the report.


Now I'm starting to understand why Vanderzalm is such a good gardener..    

he knows how to spread out a lot of B.S.  ;D  ;D  ;D

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chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #396 on: June 23, 2010, 11:50:14 PM »

HST will cut into shifts and tips
 More tax and less income means fundamental life changes for many
 By Andrew A. Duffy, Times Colonist June 23, 2010   Lacey Geary was prepared to have her social life and entertainment budget take a bit of a hit when the harmonized sales tax comes into effect, but the 22-year-old server is starting to realize she'll be affected by the tax on the other side of the ledger, too.

Like thousands of servers, bartenders and restaurateurs, she faces the prospect of lower tips and fewer shifts as the HST comes into effect July 1.

The tax, which combines the five-per-cent goods and services tax with the seven-percent provincial sales tax, could mean fewer people eating out less often, according to restaurant industry experts.

"I get hit on both sides, and that's going to be tough," said Geary, who recently started work at Brown's Social House after a couple of years bartending and serving at Barkley's.

The B.C. Restaurant and Foodservices Association has estimated restaurants could lose as much as $750 million a year in B.C. because of the new tax.

Previously meals at restaurants were not subject to the PST.

"Serving is a tough job to get through in the first place as you are relying on people's generosity," she said. Extra tax on a bill is likely to have an impact on tips left behind.

Geary, who makes about $22,000 a year, said lower tips will be especially hard on servers who work at restaurants where food bills tend to be lower.

"If servers see customers starting to become a little more stingy, they are going to have to go elsewhere to find work or try and work at high-end restaurants where they charge more for food," she said.

According to figures provided to the Times Colonist by Statistics Canada, someone like Geary could expect to spend between an extra $99 and $173 each year because of the new tax.

Geary said the double whammy -- more tax and potentially less income-- could mean a fundamental change in her life.

"I'm going to have to watch my spending closely, cut back on going out for dinner, drinks and coffee for a start," she said.

Our HST special series continues daily in Money

That's a common reaction. Jeff McKay, 30, an executive with the Oak Bay Marine Group, said he will also watch where his money goes and cut back, and not just because of extra costs.

According to the Statistics Canada numbers, McKay faces spending between $332 and $359 extra each year under the HST.

"Hopefully, my job is not affected. That is an area of concern while working in the tourism industry as lots of positions in the industry have just folded," he said.

The Council of Tour ism Associations has estimated the tax could cost the industry as many as 5,174 jobs and see visitor spending drop by as much as $545 million annually.

McKay's spending will drop as well.

He eats out several times a week -- lunch on work days, dinner three to five nights a week and breakfast on the weekends -- and spends about $30 a week on laundry and dry-cleaning.

Costs will also rise for his gym membership, haircuts, boat moorage and airline flights.

"I realize the need for taxation in the province but this is ill-timed with the downturn in the economy," he said.

Caitlin Flanders, 24, is saving as much as she can this month before the HST comes into effect and stocking up on items such as over-the-counter drugs and vitamins, which will be subject to HST after July 1.

Flanders said despite the fact she makes a good wage, she will have to start watching her spending more closely. Statistics Canada figures show the impact on her bottom line could be between $173 and $253 each year.

"It means I will be able to go out less, fewer dinners out, coffees and things like that -- maybe it will save me money," she said. "But until recently, I didn't realize taking a cab or parking would go up and that will affect what I will do."

She also is heading back to school this year and she will be forced to live on a much tighter budget.

"This can't be good, we live in the most expensive province already and it's getting harder and harder to live here. I think it will cost me $500 to $600 a year easily."

Read more:

chris gadsden

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #397 on: June 23, 2010, 11:54:05 PM »

Hundreds of millions lost, thousand of jobs gone
 Restaurant, tourism sectors bracing for worst
 By Andrew A. Duffy, Times Colonist June 23, 2010   With a week to go before the 12-per-cent harmonized sales tax kicks in, two industries that stand to be most affected are resigned to having to get through it.

B.C.'s restaurant and tourism sectors predict hundreds of millions in lost revenue, thousands of jobs gone and businesses left teetering on the brink.

"We're especially concerned over the impact on attractions, restaurants and tour business," said Rob Gialloreto, Tourism Victoria's CEO.

"Any time you start to damage parts of your tourism industry, there's a wider impact because it's such an interwoven economy."

The song is much the same in the restaurant industry. Ian Tostenson, CEO of the B.C. Restaurant and Foodservices Association, said his members are very cautious this summer.

"It will be very tough and it has been tough already," he said. "Vancouver got a nice bump with the Olympics but since then it has not been strong. We are all concerned."

Judging by the studies conducted by both sectors, they have good reason to be.

A study done last year shows B.C. restaurants, which have been largely exempt from the PST, face losing as much as $750 million annually solely due to the HST.

Don Monsour, the restaurant association's Victoriabased chairman, said the industry dropped seven per cent when the seven-percent GST was introduced in 1991 and has never truly recovered.

Monsour said he expects the same will hold true with the 12-per-cent HST.

The Council of Tourism Industries, the liaison with government for the tourism industry, released a study last fall showing the HST would cost the industry as many

as 5,174 jobs and see visitor spending drop by as much as $545 million annually.

That study also said the tax would result in an average 4.66-per-cent increase in the price of tourism products and services and result in the provincial government losing out on as much as $64.3 million in annual revenue from the industry.

"One of our biggest concerns is that we are perceived as a more expensive destination at a time when we are very much in the early recovery stages of a global recession, and one of our most important markets, the U.S., is far from recovered," Gialloreto said.

Both industries have lobbied the government for months, hoping for mitigating measures to offset the impact of the tax. So far, this effort has been to no avail.

"We want to keep talking," said Gialloreto, noting ideas like bringing back the GSTrebate program in some form or breaks for larger attractions have been bandied about.

"The calendar aside, we need to keep talking and I think there is some room."

Tostenson agreed, noting they are awaiting a new round of discussions with the province.

"The discussion will be outside the realm of the HST but we are looking at everything else we can to offset costs for restaurants," he said.

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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #398 on: June 29, 2010, 07:25:31 PM »

Of all the unmitigated gall, now a group of business hacks are doing their level best to derail democracy. I will research which groups and specifiably which business areas I can and will boycott and encourage others to do the same. This is beyond repugnant when business threatens the will of a democratic society, following an enacted law.  If this isn't an affront to every citizen of this province, then I'm Frank Sinatra. The insinuation by some buttwad stuffed suit that the citizens are a group ignoramus half wits is disgusting and sure doesn't endear anyone to his cause.


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #399 on: June 29, 2010, 09:19:49 PM »

Of all the unmitigated gall, now a group of business hacks are doing their level best to derail democracy. I will research which groups and specifiably which business areas I can and will boycott and encourage others to do the same. This is beyond repugnant when business threatens the will of a democratic society, following an enacted law.  If this isn't an affront to every citizen of this province, then I'm Frank Sinatra. The insinuation by some buttwad stuffed suit that the citizens are a group ignoramus half wits is disgusting and sure doesn't endear anyone to his cause.

Best comment ever (from the above link):

"6/29/2010 6:12:48 PM
On the whole I am pretty agnostic about the merits of the HST - there are some pros and some cons which, net-net, will probably have a marginal impact on the average British Columbian. I do understand the furor about how the HST was brought about, but basing an anti-HST campaign on the process and not the substance of the tax is myopic and misleading.

For weeks Vander Zalm and his crew have led a campaign of misinformation in order to dupe naive British Columbians into signing the anti-HST petition. I would venture to say that the vast majority of these petitioners have not even read the draft legislation that the anti-HST petition would, if successful, introduce to the legislature. That legislation compels the B.C. legislature to "extinguish the HST." The HST is a creature of federal legislation, ergo the B.C. legislature is completely impotent as regards its repeal! Extinguishing the HST would need to occur through a federal process initiated at the federal level. What Vander Zalm's draft bill purports to do is unconstitutional and, therefore, useless.

I'm sure the kneejerk reaction to my comment is that I am overlooking the point here -- that thousands of BC residents are upset and that this movement is about direct democracy. Fair enough. But why not direct democracy through the proper means? Through the proper constitutional channels? Why not an initiative petition campaign based on draft legislation with which the BC legislature could actually do something?

For these reasons, I am FOR the judicial review, because I think it will provide clarity on whether it is worth going through the motions of the rest of the initiative process (which could, for your information, include a $30 million provincial referendum on a draft bill that could end up being constitutional garbage). If British Columbians are mad at this judicial review, I shudder to think of how they would react to $30 million wasted on what amounts to an unconstitutional ego-stroke for BVZ."


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #400 on: June 29, 2010, 09:38:10 PM »

If it's unconstitutional then it shouldn't be stopped? Wouldn't our whole justice system start becoming a joke if we allowed exceptions to the constitution?

I think even those that are in favor of the HST appreciate that the restaurant industry will suffer until the consumer gets used to paying the extra 7%. However I'd like to remind you that when the GST was introduced in the early 1990's that the GST rate was 7%, exactly what the extra cost of a restaurant meal will be after July 1. For a while the restaurant industry hurt, however it seems to have recovered quite nicely. Me thinks the news of it's demise after July 1 is premature and exaggerated!  ::)
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 09:39:56 PM by alwaysfishn »
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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #401 on: June 30, 2010, 07:12:11 AM »

The people's will is unconstitutional? Gordo said he wouldn't stop the process , but his whiny henchmen will try. What a pathetic straw grasp. Where in our constitution does it say business interests trump a citizen's legal initiative? And yet the lesser lights are complaining about the price tag of democracy should the initiative go to referendum - TO REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE ELECTORATE. Hilarious ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #402 on: June 30, 2010, 07:49:06 AM »

The people's will is unconstitutional? Gordo said he wouldn't stop the process , but his whiny henchmen will try. What a pathetic straw grasp. Where in our constitution does it say business interests trump a citizen's legal initiative? And yet the lesser lights are complaining about the price tag of democracy should the initiative go to referendum - TO REPRESENT THE WILL OF THE ELECTORATE. Hilarious ;D ;D ;D

Wow this is basc stuff Novabonker....  ??? I thought you of all people would know this.  Type in "Canadian Constitution" in google and that should get you a whole wealth of info.
Here's a starter.....

The people's will is absolutely irrelevant when it comes to constitutional issues! A "legal initiative" is just a meaningless piece of paper with writing on it if it doesn't fall within the parameters of the constitution which clearly defines levels of government and what their responsibilities are. The anti-HST legislation that is being proposed is asking the Provincial government to disband some Federal legislation.

I haven't studied the constitution much, but I'm guessing that's probably unconstitutional. If the Provincial government went ahead and tried to disband a Federal law I'm suspecting the Feds might have something to say about that.  :o

It's too bad Vanderzalm didn't do a little more homework before he started his self-promotion tour....
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 08:56:26 AM by alwaysfishn »
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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #403 on: July 01, 2010, 06:42:12 AM »

For those of us so inclined to boycott, here's a list of business's that support the HST from the COC website. While it may indeed be hard, it is possible to put enough pressure on them to see the error of their ways. Since it appears that the biggest concern is about money, show them the power of the pocketbook.

Oh - AF- ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 06:46:50 AM by Novabonker »


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Re: Fight The HST!
« Reply #404 on: July 01, 2010, 09:30:50 AM »

For those of us so inclined to boycott, here's a list of business's that support the HST from the COC website. While it may indeed be hard, it is possible to put enough pressure on them to see the error of their ways. Since it appears that the biggest concern is about money, show them the power of the pocketbook.

How many people in BC do those businesses employ?  With the potential cost savings to their operations resulting from the HST, how many more people in BC could they employ?  If you boycott all of those businesses, how many British Columbians will lose their jobs as a result?  Just thought I'd ask.