what a load of garbage!
the schools , medical system, social infrastructure etc. all bought and partially paid for by the hard working people of the day's tax dollars, Industry has paid next to nothing.
The ME ME self entitled and pathetically greedy generation has benefited from those systems as well, yet they don't want to reinvest in the next generations system? They want to blame the older generation for debt loads? Perhaps your right, perhaps it would have been better that you were just given basic litracy at school and the only job available to you is ditch digging. You then only have to hope that your health doesn't fail because you don't have hospitals or on ditch digging wages you or your family can't afford a doctor. Oh, your life expectancy has now dropped twenty years because of disease and overwork/ed ...until you drop, remember no pensions.
The debtload blame has been directed at us, yet you and your generation have benefited just as much, yet you think you are hard done by. I wont even bring up what has been siphoned out of the medical and pension systems, to pay for .... maternity leave, child care, preschool......?
perhaps we should be looking at encouraging industry, innovation, resource extraction, all with Canadian labour. No exporting of raw materials, manufacturing and good paying jobs with tax income to the coffers. Perhaps open Global economy has been more to blame, lost jobs = lost tax base= debt load.
Perhaps you should watch that little video link I posted.
Seriously??? The schools, medical , social infrastructure etc are
NOT ALL PAID FOR. Our national debt is approaching $600 BILLION dollars and that does not include Provincial and Municipal debt. Your parents left you a clean slate with NEW INFRASTRUCTURE. They came back from WWII and built infrastructure and made policy that allowed your generation to prosper (INCLUDING MEDICARE).
Industry does pay it's fair share - many of the projects we look at barely make money here and much of it is to do with taxation and royalties paid to the various levels of government. My business certainly pays its fair share.
"ME ME ME" Generation???
What a joke. When I came out of school in the 90's there were NO jobs in BC because of a hostile climate towards business. I built my own business from nothing, I have NEVER taken any type of social assistance EVER and all my student loans were paid off in FULL. After YEARS of making nothing, budgeting to the penny, my business finally took off 6 years ago and I can say my income taxes alone help to support at least 3 teachers or 2 nurses or 1 doctor or whatever here in BC - plus all the tax benefits the city, province and federal governments get from my corporate, property and sales (HST) taxes. I would say the Boomer's are the ME ME ME generation and stop patting yourselves on the back for the results of your parents hard work. What my greatest concern is, is that my kids will not have a decent education, proper medical coverage or a basic pension because the system will be so leveraged from what your generation is demanding that our tax dollars can barely support debt servicing costs never mind the social programs that Canadians hold dear (ie Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland ... ). There was adequate warning over the past 20 years that this huge demand was coming but during your prime earning years you did not want to pay for the goods being received or go into a surplus to pay for the significant financial obligations coming.
Finally, globalization is a reality and is here to stay during our lifetimes. You use some nice "buzz" words but in order to attract NEW business to support new jobs you have to make it worth it on a risk adjusted basis for a person (or company) to venture their hard earned capital. Take your example of resource extraction. To actually find an economic deposit (1 in 100 active exploration projects) is tough, development costs and timing are considerable (+$100M and 5 to 7 years of permitting), building mine infrastructure in BC is at the high end of global capital costs (ie Galore in NW BC is +$5 billion) and if you actually wanted to process this in BC you would need another smelter here (try permitting that, and who want that in their back yard) and would cost ~$3 Billion. Conclusion - There is ONE company here in BC that can do this and it would risk the entire company if the project failed to yield positive economics. Because of this you need to provide incentives (tax, power credits etc) in order to increase the probability of success as well as attract outside money (our tax base cannot fund this). BUT you seem to be against a more efficient tax structure or incentives for new business - the government and "industry" are a printing press for money and willing investors are plentiful and magically appear...