My previous post regarding misidentification of RMW and peamouth chub is mainly about what I suspect of happening in the Fraser River by recreational fishermen, because the general angling population is not as informed and interested about both species. I didn't think trained staff would misID during seining too.
I have strong interest in bringing more awareness of these species (including RMW if they indeed extend their range down here) that inhabit in the Tidal Fraser River during certain time of the year. Take a look at this article:, both northern pikeminnow and peamouth chub are commonly referred to as "white fish", even by enforcement in Fisheries and Oceans Canada. While the violators in the article deserve the fines, I'd like to know exactly how many of these "white fish" are northern pikeminnow and how many are peamouth chub. The daily quota for non-categorized species is 20 in the tidal region. If the department were to manage and enforce both species as one instead of two, you can see how the number of fish per day that can be kept by anglers would change. My concern is not on how many less fish people can keep, but rather managing fish without using the correct terminology.
Freshwater species that extend their habitat into the saltwater region should be included in the saltwater regulations too (not necessarily more regulations, just be included in the species identification section).