--I' don't' want to speed up the demise or unnecessarily diminish the southern range of salmon, trout or kokanee but if Global Warming is an accepted reality then Bass should be conscidered.
--Bass are a good alternative for fishing in urban closed system fisheries.
--Also many southern interior lakes have no outflows and no native fisheries. High seasonal water temperature and lack of Oxygen often limit the fish populations thus requiring multiple stocking of catchable trout or air-eation.
--Mid 80's some of these lakes were being considered for and in some cases stocked with Bass, but the door was politically slammed.
--Bass are a cost effective and exciting sport fishery and should be considered as part of an overall fisheries plan.
--For some I guess Bass just aren't as cute as the foreign Eastern Brookies which are commonly stocked throughout the interior.
--A good day's fishing for the Skaha Hat trick include a Trout, Kokanee and Smallmouith Bass