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Author Topic: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed  (Read 20748 times)


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If you enjoy fishing the Chilliwack River, this may interest you. Those who fish it regularly know how siltation can affect the fishing, so please read on.

There is a proposal out (in progress) with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources to have a largish (25 hectares/50 football fields) gravel mine in the location of Larson's Bench. This proposal may threaten the viability of the recreation fishery in the Chilliwack River.
The Fraser Valley Regional District has opposed this, for many reasons, such as it is near Pierce Creek ponds - an important salmon spawning area. It is also in close (less than 1km) to Chipmunk Creek Caves and the Chilliwack River. Other likely environmental impacts include silt, run-off, 10 acres to be logged). Unfortunately, the FVRD's opposition may not be enough to stop it. Residents, businesses, clubs and others who may be impacted could also have an effect on the outcome.

There will be siginificant impacts on local residents and businesses with gravel trucks on the road if this proposal goes through. It is estimated that 47 round trips per day would be made by gravel trucks between Monday and Saturday. 
There is a website for more information and a link where you can sign an online petition:
A petition is also at On The Way store and Pointa Vista Cafe, both on the Chilliwack Lake Rd.


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2010, 08:02:10 AM »

So the Chilliwack/Vedder may soon become another Coquitlam?


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2010, 09:23:17 AM »

I guess what is so surprising and disappointing about this is that this proposal had been launched more than a few years ago. I have just briefly read some of the attached literature but it seems details of this proposal were known in 2009 and memos that are date stamped from the FVRD are date stamped Jan 2010. Why was this withheld from the public. Seems like someone had a hidden agenda to see how far they could push this proposal through before it came to light. For instance, if this had been made available duing the Chilliwack/Vedder River Clean Up Day wouldn't this have been a perfect time to inform the public what is happening and to get the petition rolling. Also I read that there are three endangered species put at risk by this development. Our evironmental laws are embarassingly weak when endangered species are going to be put at risk, and they are treated as an afterthought.  Even if you don't fish or use the river for some form of recreation,  the beating the Chilliwack River Road is going  to take will  be incredible. If dump trucks start going up that road it is going to become one pot holed, rutted roadway. Also I imagine the roads in Chilliwack/Sardis will also be affected as these dump trucks have to some how get to the main highway . Hard to believe the proposal has gotten this far, but hopefully if enough people say "No" to it the gravel pit it will be stopped.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 09:24:59 AM by dennyman »


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2010, 10:43:07 AM »

This open "Pit" could have a huge impact on water quality at the Chilliwack Hatchery. Not sure what DFO's position on the pit is ?


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2010, 03:20:34 PM »

I would like to believe a strong, unified defiance could stop this potential environmental mistake, and thanks to a few dedicated people, this defiance is beginning.   Let's all send emails to the people that matter and at the very least, sign the petition.

Buck; I too would love to hear someone with/without balls in DFO/MOE speak to this propoal.  Yeah, I'm dreaming again ....

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2010, 09:57:02 PM »

I would like to believe a strong, unified defiance could stop this potential environmental mistake, and thanks to a few dedicated people, this defiance is beginning.   Let's all send emails to the people that matter and at the very least, sign the petition.

Buck; I too would love to hear someone with/without balls in DFO/MOE speak to this propoal.  Yeah, I'm dreaming again ....
The trouble it its the higher ups in FOC that are the problem, not the front line guys and gals.


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2010, 05:07:18 PM »

Reading the following article suggests that the gravel pit is almost a kilometer from the river. Why would that cause the same type of problems they have seen in the Coquitlam river?

"Ministry spokesperson Jake Jacobs said, if approved, a buffer of second-growth forest “will be maintained between the road and gravel pit” and the site is about 0.8 km at the closest point to the Chilliwack River."
Disclosure:  This post has not been approved by the feedlot boys, therefore will likely be found to contain errors and statements that are out of context. :-[


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2010, 11:07:21 AM »

Reading the following article suggests that the gravel pit is almost a kilometer from the river. Why would that cause the same type of problems they have seen in the Coquitlam river?

"Ministry spokesperson Jake Jacobs said, if approved, a buffer of second-growth forest “will be maintained between the road and gravel pit” and the site is about 0.8 km at the closest point to the Chilliwack River."

Now I'm confused - will it be on the river or not?

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2010, 05:59:03 PM »

The gravel mine proposal is the prime focus on CBC radio's Early Edition tomorrow at 7:10am Glen will be on the show representing Friends of the Chilliwack River Valley followed by the minister of energy mines and petroleum.
Thanks to all those who have signed our online petition and answered the poll in the newspaper
our community is united against gravel.

Glen Friends of the Chilliwack River Valley


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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2010, 09:01:16 AM »

Reading the following article suggests that the gravel pit is almost a kilometer from the river. Why would that cause the same type of problems they have seen in the Coquitlam river?

Guess which way water flows. Downhill. Also, if it is anything like the Coquitlam gravel mines (of which I am quite familiar), there will be settlement ponds, which are supposed to be used as a buffer to allow silt to settle before rain water run-off flows into the river. The problem is it is silt, and is too fine to actually settle and therefore just flows into the river whenever released (it rains).

chris gadsden

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Re: Attention Chilliwack River anglers, gravel mine project proposed
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2010, 05:11:36 PM »

 ???  I have not made my mind on this as of yet for several reasons . The hype of those for anti`s contain such words such as "Leaking , Oiling and Bubbling " ( this is not the Gulf of Mexico) tend to turn off some .  Another states that the Pit is in the vicinity or  to a Km of larsons Bench , Ive heard that several Creeks run thru this area but other statements state one and is is dry most of the time . The word "Could " Displays a may or may not event . The Three endangered species posted  are What . Lastly the picture of a Pot Holed Rutted Road (Chwk Rr Road) is rather colourful .
   The main question I have is there not a law requiring an "Environment Impact Study" be conducted prior to all projets ????
  The PUBLIC deserves factual information which an "Environmental Impact Study' would provide .
« Last Edit: May 14, 2010, 07:03:26 PM by greybark »