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Author Topic: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby  (Read 23213 times)

chris gadsden

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Re: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2010, 07:28:05 PM »

Chris, I cant email you back so what is your personal email?
Sorry I did not get back to you but I was away at the derby from Friday around 2:30 until now so I did not get this, sorry

chris gadsden

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Re: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2010, 08:23:16 PM »

A short report on the derby as I only had 3 hours sleep last night as I camped out at derby headquarters Friday night. An all night party, across from me on the other side of the Lake made sleep difficult. How many times do they have to sing "Happy Birthday" at the top of their lungs to one of their group?

Then I had to go and open the gate to the boat launch at 4 AM only to find the key I was given did not fit the lock. I then had to deal with an early bird wanting to launch his boat. What happened next is another story for another day. Back to camp I found the coffee pot I had plugged in did not work and all I got was hot water, so much for getting rid of the night's cobwebs.

Anyway I thought the derby went very well thanks to the work of many as lots families had an enjoyable day. Good displays, good food and good weather except for a wind that came up in the early afternoon. Fishing was not all that good with 867 tickets purchased with 808 pikeminnows brought to the scales.

Some of the highlights were, one of the 100 special tagged fish was caught, winning the angler $500 cash, she also took home heaviest fish honours in the adult division winning a PVR. The tagged fish was 1.20 kg, .10 over second place. The most fish taken by a adult was 52 with another angler landing 51.

The heaviest fish by a junior was a pike minnow of 1.06 kg taken by a boy. He took home the coveted Greg Clark Memorial Trophy along with a Norco Mountain bike, a  $50 Gift certificate and a Zebco pack rod.

The largest fish landed by a girl hit the scales at .92 kg. She also picked up a bike, $50 certificate and Zebco pack rod.

Most fish by a Junior boy was 22 while a junior girl boated 14.

Other derby facts.

4 fish tagged by FOC and others over the years were captured with the lucky anglers being awarded $25 each.
Close to 250 draw prizes were also given out to anglers with 203 being for people who bought tickets before Saturday morning.
All anglers who entered a fish were entered in a draw with 10 of them winning $50 each.
Thanks to the generous support of many organizations and individuals along with many Fraser Valley Salmon members who were involved made it one of the best derbies put on at Cultus Lake. Also to the guides who brought their guide boats to take families out fishing.
A lot of thanks goes these people along with the agencies and groups that put up displays, and last but not least to Nick, Frank and Ev who held us all together.

I hope I have made no major errors on this writeup, if so blame it on the lack of sleep. A few pictures to follow.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 09:14:38 PM by chris gadsden »


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Re: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2010, 09:04:50 PM »

thanks to the organizers and sponsors for putting on a really good event!

rides bike to work

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Re: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2010, 10:18:59 PM »

Another great derby.This was my twentieth time in this derby and over the years I have seen it shrink than grow than shrink and now grow again substantially at that.I also remember much cooler weather around derby time in past years many memories of sitting in the canoe in the pouring rain with dad all day.Also noticed the numbers of fish and size are getting lower which means its working.Evenings on cultus can be deadly for trout now which is nice.I dont recall seeing that many large jet boats at the derby in the past must be a sign of the economy and  the growing popularity of the sport which leads to my rant,we found a spot on the shore early in the morning, knowing it was a popular spot I knew we would be sharing it with many people which we did many families came and went during the day and it was nice to meet many nice people and watch many fathers untangling the young ones line, than half way through the day a large jet boat decide to pull up and anchor 20 feet off shore directly in front of me and a few other families  right in the area we were casting to .Every one on shore looked at each other in disbelief and after a short while I explained to him that we were fishing there and I would appreciate it he would anchor a little further out so the people on shore could still cast.The man just turned his back and ignored me.So we cut out trip sort and headed to the weigh in which was great lots of fun for the kids and some great fishing stories so thank you pacific salmon society and up yours guy in jet boat see ya next year.


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Re: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby
« Reply #34 on: June 21, 2010, 11:40:56 AM »

Chris' derby photos can now be seen at:

If you have photos that you'd like to be included in that album, please feel free to send it to


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Re: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby
« Reply #35 on: June 21, 2010, 11:52:46 AM »

I heard most fish was 51, we were only out 2 hours, and got 20 within a 40 minute span. I like getting paid to catch fish, no more disappointment in a small fish. ;D
The Bigger The Better!

chris gadsden

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Re: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby
« Reply #36 on: June 22, 2010, 05:52:27 PM »

Story that I wrote for the Chilliwack Progress here.


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Re: Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby
« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2010, 08:28:00 PM »

Was a great day, lots of happy people. I'd like to say thanks to everyone who put the time in to make this another great event.
The Bigger The Better!