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Do you have confidence in the Campbell government?

- 7 (11.7%)
- 53 (88.3%)

Total Members Voted: 58

Voting closed: May 17, 2010, 04:09:36 PM

Author Topic: The Campbell Government  (Read 25650 times)


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2010, 12:25:58 PM »

On a fishing related note, how would the state of the fisheries in the Cheakamus and Squamish Rivers be today had BCR not been sold to CN?

Good question- CN's environmental record is not the best, putting it mildly. Seems some up north are not impressed with CN's service:

DAWSON CREEK - Farmers and local government officials in the South Peace are not pleased with the quality of rail service offered by Canadian National.

Garnet Berge, area director for BC Grain Producers Association, said he is part of a committee looking at transportation issues affecting farmers. He said he is concerned about what he said is the deterioration of the line between Dawson Creek and Chetwynd.

"We're getting a little worried that if CN don't upgrade that line or keep it maintained from Chetwynd to Dawson Creek, we might lose that, and if we do, we'll be trucking our grain to Rycroft or Spirit River which we don't want to do ... "

He said that rail is the most efficient and cost-effective way for farmers to ship their products, but that there is no alternative besides CN and he said that the service is poor.

"It's car service," said Berge. "They'll come in and drop cars off on a Friday at 4:00 PM, and the elevators in the winter aren't really open, but they'll want them [the cars] loaded that weekend.  Then CN doesn't show up until Monday morning and the guys in the meantime have worked overtime to load all these cars up ... "

The Peace River Regional District also has concerns and have made a joint submission with their local  government counterparts in the Alberta Peace Region to a Rail Service Review Panel [see below] initiated by the federal Ministry of Transportation. Dawson Creek mayor Mike Bernier worked with Charles Johnson, councillor for Clear Hills County, on that submission.

Bernier said that one of their concerns was the state of the line between Dawson Creek and Hythe, Alberta. He said he was under the impression that when BC Rail was sold to CN, part of that agreement stipulated that line was to stay open for 5 years" [YooHoo, Mr Krog, BC Opposition Justice Critic?! What did we tell you, last July 14, 2009? And what did you do? Nothing. - BC Mary.]
"However, upgrades were never done and the train trestles were allowed to deteriorate, making the line unusable.

"Right now, Dawson Creek is like a dead-end road on CN Rail," said the mayor. "We can't get all the people in Grande Prairie, Rycroft, and Spirit River -- all of them who have grain -- have to drive it from their locations to Dawson Creek to put it on our rail cars."

He said with upgrades to the rail lines in the Peace, the region could utilize the expanded port capacities at the terminal at Prince Rupert via the inland container port in Prince George.  He added rail would be significantly beneficial to the entire northeast region ...

He said investments in rail lines need to be made now instead of waiting for them to get to the point where CN would just shut them down.

"We've got one of the biggest agricultural hubs in British Columbia and Alberta," he said. "We're trying to make sure that it [gets] their attention now and not waiting until it deteriorates any more."


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2010, 01:15:05 PM »

Okay, I admit the Conservative Party and its candidates have been getting almost zero media coverage and I haven't been keeping track of its candidates and all, and I've even just browsed through their web page and find no mention of the ideology that I alluded to in their policies page.  But joining forces with the Unity pack does not exactly make them look good and leaves cause for suspicion.

As for not sharing my "biases", don't you think governments should be totally secular, and religion should have no influence in it whatsoever in the 21st century?
Here is where you are naive , as many are , everyone brings their religious views with them whether be it politics or something else . You will find all sorts of religious persuasions in any Political party , whether be it Sikh , Christian , Buddhist, Atheist or something else .They all have a religious opinion and it effects how they see things .But that is not necessarily the same thing as pushing a religious dogma .
 Do you mean you think anyone of any religious should not be allowed to run for office because that would mean no one could run for office , or do you just limit it to Christians who should not be allowed to run for office ? It has been very rare when some one of any faith group has tried to put their actual religious practices into policy . Yes their beliefs influences how they view other policies but almost never has an actual religious doctrine been pushed by a politician . IMO , the religious view that has, by far, been pushed the most into policies is Atheist dogma .  Yes I believe in separation of Church and State , but that should never be abused by trying to keep certain members of certain faiths from exercising their right to run for office . To do so should be considered a human rights violation .
As for the Conservative Party , they have no track record that they could be judged upon , which is why I deliberately abstained the last election .I won't vote for some one I know nothing about no more than I would vote for a Party I oppose simply because they are the lesser of two evils( hard to say which one  that would be , between the NDP Or Liberals , as both are now almost identical ) . Will check the conservatives more closely next election , to see if I can vote for them in good conscience .


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2010, 01:40:48 PM »

Here is where you are naive , as many are , everyone brings their religious views with them whether be it politics or something else . You will find all sorts of religious persuasions in any Political party , whether be it Sikh , Christian , Buddhist, Atheist or something else .They all have a religious opinion and it effects how they see things .But that is not necessarily the same thing as pushing a religious dogma .
 Do you mean you think anyone of any religious should not be allowed to run for office because that would mean no one could run for office , or do you just limit it to Christians who should not be allowed to run for office ? It has been very rare when some one of any faith group has tried to put their actual religious practices into policy . Yes their beliefs influences how they view other policies but almost never has an actual religious doctrine been pushed by a politician . IMO , the religious view that has, by far, been pushed the most into policies is Atheist dogma .  Yes I believe in separation of Church and State , but that should never be abused by trying to keep certain members of certain faiths from exercising their right to run for office . To do so should be considered a human rights violation .

Okay, I get what you're saying.  People's religious convictions influence their overall values and ideology to some extent, even if it's only at a subtle and subconscious level.  And no, none of them should be barred from running, but those who take it too far and make it blatantly obvious should be avoided like the plague by the electorate, and discussing and debating who we should vote for is exactly what we're doing.


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2010, 02:02:39 PM »

Apparently us fishermen see things differently than the general population....    ::)

Do you have confidence in Premier Gordon Campbell and the Liberal government?
      Yes          59.0%  
      No          41.0%  

LAST UPDATED:  5/8/2010 12:13:42 PM
DISCLAIMER:  This poll is informal, not scientific. It only reflects the opinions of site visitors who have voluntarily participated. The results may not represent the opinions of the public as a whole. This site is not responsible for the statistical accuracy of opinions here expressed.

Glad you and the PAB can stack the deck ;)- Let's see what a REAL poll says (April 17 Angus Reid)


• NDP: 47% (+4% since March)

• Liberals: 29% (-6%)

• Green: 14% (+1%)

• B.C. Conservatives: 5% (-1%)


From a list of words to describe the parties, which were chosen most?

• Liberals: "arrogant" (64%), "dishonest" (52%), "secretive" (48%) and "uncaring (45%).

• NDP: "inefficient" (40%), "weak" (37%), "mindful of the province's needs" (32%).

The poll is considered accurate within 3.5 percentage points.

From a list of words to describe the party leaders, which were chosen most?

• Gordon Campbell: "arrogant" (72%), "secretive" (56%), "dishonest" (55%), "uncaring" (51%).

• Carole James: "compassionate" (45%), "down to earth" (40%), "weak" (38%), "inefficient" (35%), "open" (33%).

Well there goes that theory.


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2010, 08:28:04 PM »

Glad you and the PAB can stack the deck ;)- Let's see what a REAL poll says (April 17 Angus Reid)


• NDP: 47% (+4% since March)

• Liberals: 29% (-6%)

• Green: 14% (+1%)

• B.C. Conservatives: 5% (-1%)


From a list of words to describe the parties, which were chosen most?

• Liberals: "arrogant" (64%), "dishonest" (52%), "secretive" (48%) and "uncaring (45%).

• NDP: "inefficient" (40%), "weak" (37%), "mindful of the province's needs" (32%).

The poll is considered accurate within 3.5 percentage points.

From a list of words to describe the party leaders, which were chosen most?

• Gordon Campbell: "arrogant" (72%), "secretive" (56%), "dishonest" (55%), "uncaring" (51%).

• Carole James: "compassionate" (45%), "down to earth" (40%), "weak" (38%), "inefficient" (35%), "open" (33%).

Well there goes that theory.

What are we looking for in a politician?? Miss America? Mother Teresa?  Would you prefer a "compassionate" premier who opens up the province to unions and chases away business?

Shouldn't we be asking questions like: "Is your politician fiscally responsible?", "Will he/she make tough decisions even if they are unpopular?", "Does he/she have a clue how to attract new businesses to BC?"

By the way polls are good fun, but in the end only the poll taken on election day means anything.  ;D
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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2010, 08:30:21 PM »

Here is where you are naive , as many are , everyone brings their religious views with them whether be it politics or something else . You will find all sorts of religious persuasions in any Political party , whether be it Sikh , Christian , Buddhist, Atheist or something else .They all have a religious opinion and it effects how they see things .But that is not necessarily the same thing as pushing a religious dogma .
 Do you mean you think anyone of any religious should not be allowed to run for office because that would mean no one could run for office , or do you just limit it to Christians who should not be allowed to run for office ? It has been very rare when some one of any faith group has tried to put their actual religious practices into policy . Yes their beliefs influences how they view other policies but almost never has an actual religious doctrine been pushed by a politician . IMO , the religious view that has, by far, been pushed the most into policies is Atheist dogma .  Yes I believe in separation of Church and State , but that should never be abused by trying to keep certain members of certain faiths from exercising their right to run for office . To do so should be considered a human rights violation .
As for the Conservative Party , they have no track record that they could be judged upon , which is why I deliberately abstained the last election .I won't vote for some one I know nothing about no more than I would vote for a Party I oppose simply because they are the lesser of two evils( hard to say which one  that would be , between the NDP Or Liberals , as both are now almost identical ) . Will check the conservatives more closely next election , to see if I can vote for them in good conscience .

Well said!!
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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #36 on: May 09, 2010, 08:48:39 PM »

Does that meet your expectations for "lie"? How many more do you want?

I still think "You are confusing lying with the need to change a decision because it made more sense, given the new circumstances..... "

On Friday , I found out that the government has cut a series of group homes that I do outside  contracting for had the grant - that provided care for 41 adults with moderate to severe handicaps- has been cut. Not a small take one for the team cut, but over 40% of the operating budget. They've refused to even try to operate because it just can't be done. What happens to the people that have called these places homes for 6 years?
Oh-BTW- they were verbally assured that they would continue to receive the same grant for another 3 year contract.

Here's an idea - Why don't you come with me one day so I can personally show you some of the carnage the Liberals inflicted on seniors. Or the handicapped. Better yet, I'll show you to a detox - safe house that works to get youth off the street and back into society. Shutting down, at first they were expected to double the case load at the same money ( employees made between 9 to a max of 15 an hour for the admin) , then the operating funding was cut 25%. Closing in June, kids back out on the street. But we have money to pay for David Foster to go to the gold medal hockey game.

I'll even buy you a nice lunch! Can you get the time off from the PAB?

I have no argument with the hardships that some decisions impose. There are many things that the current (and past) governments have done that I disagree with!

I am challenging your judgment  in blatantly calling them liars.  

.... and maybe I'm the only one here that doesn't know, but what does "PAB" stand for?  ???
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 08:52:28 PM by alwaysfishn »
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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #37 on: May 10, 2010, 06:33:49 AM »

So it's A-OK to toss seniors and handicapped people under the bus for a few dollars more? What's been done to reduce the highest child poverty rate in the country? I feel better knowing we have money to take David Foster to the Gold Medal game though- priorities are very important. ::)

The invitation is open to come and spend some time and see first hand the "compassion" of the Campbell administration,- show some courage and come take a look or be like most of the Liberal lizards and turn your head, jingle the change in your pocket and whistle a happy tune. If you can walk away from that without any feeling of revulsion than there is no humanity in your soul. Will you show your convictions and show? Didn't think so.

When you PROMISE one thing and do the opposite, that's a lie. A lie is an untruth. I think the only thing worse than a liar is making excuses for being a liar. It seems that you might be the one of the few that don't understand the meaning of the word. No, I don't want or expect a saint , but simple morality and a degree of honesty that the Liberals don't have an iota of. They traded it al for a truck load of arrogance.

Van Dongen and Hagen on fish farm escapes- outright , bald faced, unmitigated lies. Explain how those whoppers were in the public interest. I'll keep them coming. Absolute and complete departures from what was said by he Fiberals. I'm sure St. Peter had a small talk with Mr. Hagen at the pearly gates and the "devout Christian" Van Dongen won't be looking for a light when his ticket gets punched.

 Public Affairs Bureau: This is a bureaucracy with 223 employees, and costs taxpayers $28 million a year.  People paid to create hyperbole and propaganda for the government- at our expense.


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #38 on: May 10, 2010, 08:24:28 AM »

"Van Dongen and Hagen on fish farm escapes- outright , bald faced, unmitigated lies."

and there in lies the beauty of the confessional  ;D
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #39 on: May 10, 2010, 08:57:02 AM »

The invitation is open to come and spend some time and see first hand the "compassion" of the Campbell administration,- show some courage and come take a look or be like most of the Liberal lizards and turn your head, jingle the change in your pocket and whistle a happy tune. If you can walk away from that without any feeling of revulsion than there is no humanity in your soul. Will you show your convictions and show? Didn't think so.

I think the only thing worse than a liar is making excuses for being a liar. It seems that you might be the one of the few that don't understand the meaning of the word.

See there you go making blatant insinuations when you know nothing about me, what I do or who I am. Because I don't agree with you, you attack my character.

That's why I question your judgment in calling everyone in government "liars".   :(
Relax a little and take this forum for what it is.....  a form of entertainment and in some cases, a little information.....
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 09:11:55 AM by alwaysfishn »
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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #40 on: May 10, 2010, 10:21:40 AM »

See there you go making blatant insinuations when you know nothing about me, what I do or who I am. Because I don't agree with you, you attack my character.

That's why I question your judgment in calling everyone in government "liars".   :(
Relax a little and take this forum for what it is.....  a form of entertainment and in some cases, a little information.....

Pardon me, but you've called my character into question a few times in these threads as well. ;D The offer was made in good faith- some folks sit in comfort and just don't realize what's been done to those least able to defend or care for themselves and get a real eye opener to the conditions of senior care and how funding cuts are creating more costly problems. Surely a society that creates the wealth this province and country do should be capable of looking after those in genuine need.Any able bodied person capable of working should.But I see the carnage first hand, help as much as I can and then  watch the Liberals give 120 million to the oil industry.I might be wrong, but the last time I checked, most oil companies were doing quite well , thank you. Not all the Liberals are liars, they just sit in the backbenches - a good example is Ralph Sultan. Those sent to Victoria represent the Liberal line, not what their constituents want.
So I can swear up and down, I won't do something, do it anyway, and then claim "I've changed my mind" - after I reap the benefits from a few places, knowing full well the outcome would be different if I kept the course. That's just deception I guess, not a lie. ;)

BTW- No comment on Van Dongen and Hagen's version of Pinocchio? I'm pretty busy right now, but I can definately find a few more examples of "deception" - I won't call them lies any more, I'll substitute "decieve" and derivatives instead. ;D ;D ;D


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #41 on: May 10, 2010, 11:30:23 AM »

if any business or company ever deceived the public the way the Campbull gov't has they would be in court so fast their heads would spin....apparently it's ok for a government to do it....why is that?....holmes*


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #42 on: May 10, 2010, 11:44:51 AM »

"I won't call them lies any more, I'll substitute "decieve" and derivatives instead."

They call them repented sins. For most Christians the bigger evil is not repenting to the point that your whole soul is black as a boot. That could leed to trouble up yonder. Still it's a lie supporting a lie though.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #43 on: May 10, 2010, 11:56:37 AM »

h- some folks sit in comfort and just don't realize what's been done to those least able to defend or care for themselves and get a real eye opener to the conditions of senior care and how funding cuts are creating more costly problems. Surely a society that creates the wealth this province and country do should be capable of looking after those in genuine need.Any able bodied person capable of working should.

So you're asking for government money to provide funding for these various levels of care, yet your opposing the taxes that will help to provide this funding?  The services you want cost money.  Those services increase in cost with the rate of inflation.  So, you either raise the taxes to mach the increasing costs (due to inflation) or you give the government the go ahead to borrow the money thus increasing the deficit that we (and our children) will have to pay for a little further down the road.  Speaking of seniors care, where is the money going to come from to pay for the increased seniors housing that is going to increasingly be needed in a very short while (what with all the boomers retiring).  Where is the money going to come from to help train the work force that will need to replace all the retiring boomers?  You think times are hard now, just wait a few years if none of these issues are addressed in fairly short order.  Part of the answer lies in the government bringing in more revenues to help pay for these.  Think about it.


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Re: The Campbell Government
« Reply #44 on: May 10, 2010, 12:12:59 PM »

A thank you to the common sense gentlemen in the posts above CT120. I find it rather rich that the decision to implement the GST came 3 days after the election. That ranks right up there with the 495 million "maximum" deficit. Maybe I'm just skeptical, but I keep thinking "mind changes by deception" .... ;)

CT120 - Start looking at the size of the cabinet.Pare that down from the historical size it is now. Not paying for a Minister Of Flatuence Collection and 12 assistant fart catchers is a good start. Try eliminating the PAB- 27 million in savings right there. Stop the corporate welfare give aways. Not particularity popular, but legalize marijuana and tax the crap out of it. Raise the sin taxes- I don't drink, but if my pack of smokes cost a buck more, I'll adjust. Bring salaries like David"The Million Dollar Man" Hahn's back to realty, not in line with CEO's of major corporations. Raise traffics to double. Stop wasting God knows how much that was spent for the Site C announcement. Get the picture?

There's more than a few hundred million and that's just off the top of my head.