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Author Topic: Tories Seen to Be Gutting Ecological Safeguards  (Read 2678 times)


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Re: Tories Seen to Be Gutting Ecological Safeguards
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 12:25:37 PM »

This is consistent with their previous approach.  In the 2009 budget the Conservatives included a change to the Navigable Waters Protection Act.   That act basically says if you can float a canoe in it is a navigable water, under federal jurisdiction below high water and a public thoroughfare.    That permits you and me to fish along streams adjacent to private property instead of having the private property include the stream bed.   The proposal was to define navigable water as accommodating a ship daft of 3 m.   That is a big river like the St. Lawrence.    That change would facilitate development like Independent Power Producers and other developments with an impact on streams.   I never heard if the change became law but this latest environmental proposal is part of an obvious drift to privatization of public lands and rights to the detriment of fishers like us.

Postscript:   It passed.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 12:40:00 PM by VAGAbond »