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Author Topic: capilano river  (Read 31207 times)


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2010, 03:35:22 PM »

The Cap River has actually been fishing pretty well the past few weeks.  Lots of small early coho in there and a few steelhead are still around.  Interestingly I thought that the Cap only had hatchery coho but while out fishing with a buddy he nailed 2 wilds.  Is this possible? or did he just catch some hatchery fish that had not been properly clipped?

thanks Spiznack


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2010, 07:38:23 PM »

The Cap River has actually been fishing pretty well the past few weeks.  Lots of small early coho in there and a few steelhead are still around.  Interestingly I thought that the Cap only had hatchery coho but while out fishing with a buddy he nailed 2 wilds.  Is this possible? or did he just catch some hatchery fish that had not been properly clipped?
The cap has a wild run of coho as far as I know. The chinook run is not native to that water system from what I recall...white chinook from the Harrison I believe.



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Re: capilano river
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2010, 08:44:07 PM »

The cap has a wild run of coho as far as I know. The chinook run is not native to that water system from what I recall...white chinook from the Harrison I believe.

a red spring was caught there 2 weeks ago


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2010, 10:29:42 PM »

Unbelievable!!!!! ???  >:( Ive been fishing there regularly for over a month now and I havent seen as much as a tail of a fish.
The two best times for fishing are (A) when its raining and (B) when its not.


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2010, 12:55:06 PM »

Popped by the cap this morning, the place was a gong show! I have seen stanley cup finals that were less crowded! Fish werent exactly jumping out either.


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2010, 12:56:49 PM »

Popped by the cap this morning, the place was a gong show! I have seen stanley cup finals that were less crowded! Fish werent exactly jumping out either.
were you fishing on the tidal side? I always see lots of people lined up there
I'm going out tomorrow morning...trying out some pools in the canyon


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2010, 02:32:12 PM »

The Cap River has actually been fishing pretty well the past few weeks.  Lots of small early coho in there and a few steelhead are still around.  Interestingly I thought that the Cap only had hatchery coho but while out fishing with a buddy he nailed 2 wilds.  Is this possible? or did he just catch some hatchery fish that had not been properly clipped?


The hatchery doesnt clip every smolt released, only a portion. That being said im sure there is some natural reproduction even with limited gravel


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2010, 03:01:03 PM »

were you fishing on the tidal side? I always see lots of people lined up there
I'm going out tomorrow morning...trying out some pools in the canyon

In the canyon - at one point there were so many rods on the cable pool that people were lining up waiting for someone to leave!

Hopefully wont be so busy for you during the week (although its so close to town I suspect a few people may head there before going to work)


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2010, 04:53:36 PM »

Could do with some more water to make good fishing conditions. With a bit of luck the rain will keep up this evening and into the night. The river dropped over a foot this morning in just a couple of hours and fishing was dead.
The two best times for fishing are (A) when its raining and (B) when its not.


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #24 on: June 06, 2010, 10:20:59 PM »

In the canyon - at one point there were so many rods on the cable pool that people were lining up waiting for someone to leave!

Hopefully wont be so busy for you during the week (although its so close to town I suspect a few people may head there before going to work)
oh well of course the cable pool is packed...I'm not a fan of that area...I'm going much lower down river
I'm hoping we get some more rain over night

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Re: capilano river
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2010, 11:34:26 PM »

Heard on the CTV news that a teen felled to his death tonight from the Suspension Bridge.


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2010, 08:36:41 AM »

Heard on the CTV news that a teen felled to his death tonight from the Suspension Bridge.
apparently an individual from a group of highschool kids from the states


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2010, 11:44:33 AM »

Tons of fish in the cap this weekend.  Don't know where you guys were but I was fishing all by myself for the most part all weekend and caught over 10 fish on each day!  Until....

Don't teach your kids to be idiots!  

I was fishing on a nice stretch of river with a couple of other guys when someone asked me if I had caught any fish.  I told the person that the fishing was great.  The run we were fishing was huge and there was plenty of room for everyone.  This guy then proceeds to set up right next to me.  I mean right next to me!    Once he has his b.s snagging rig on I remained calm and asked him to move down to where there is space and he told me (in broken English) to ..."go fish somewhere else if I don't like it!"  One of the other guys on the river had some choice words with the person and he moved on.  The next day I was down river from that spot and the same guy comes up to me with his kid this time.  Same story...asks me if the fishing is good and....He speaks in some unknown language to the kid and then sets the kid up right next to me on my right side.  He then moves to my left and tangles me up again.  Now I have a snagger on both sides of me, shoulder to shoulder, and there is nobody else fishing this huge run!  Another tangle some more words and this time I decide it is not worth my time to deal with this guy and leave.

Can you spot the problem here?  It is not so much that this old guy is an idiot.  I tell the story to illustrate that an idiot with a child is a curse.  This guy is teaching his son both bad fishing ethics and bad manners!  When fish bite so readily why do people fish with bare hooks?  and why teach your son how to be an a**hole on the river by posting up right next to other people trying to enjoy a day out on the flow!  

My two cents
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 11:54:13 AM by Spiznack »
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Re: capilano river
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2010, 12:32:39 PM »

I've never fished the Cap before so yesterday I decided to do some explorations. Parked my car at a small parking lot and then walked into the woods. I did manage to see the river up top but got lost soon after when I was trying to find my way down. Yes, I am pretty bad with directions.
Anyone able to help me out? Thanks in advance


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Re: capilano river
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2010, 12:33:33 PM »

Tons of fish in the cap this weekend.  Don't know where you guys were but I was fishing all by myself for the most part all weekend and caught over 10 fish on each day!  Until....

Don't teach your kids to be idiots! 

I was fishing on a nice stretch of river with a couple of other guys when someone asked me if I had caught any fish.  I told the person that the fishing was great.  The run we were fishing was huge and there was plenty of room for everyone.  This guy then proceeds to set up right next to me.  I mean right next to me!    Once he has his b.s snagging rig on I remained calm and asked him to move down to where there is space and he told me (in broken English) to ..."go fish somewhere else if I don't like it!"  One of the other guys on the river had some choice words with the person and he moved on.  The next day I was down river from that spot and the same guy comes up to me with his kid this time.  Same story...asks me if the fishing is good and....He speaks in some unknown language to the kid and then sets the kid up right next to me on my right side.  He then moves to my left and tangles me up again.  Now I have a snagger on both sides of me, shoulder to shoulder, and there is nobody else fishing this huge run!  Another tangle some more words and this time I decide it is not worth my time to deal with this guy and leave.

Can you spot the problem here?  It is not so much that this old guy is an idiot.  I tell the story to illustrate that an idiot with a child is a curse.  This guy is teaching his son both bad fishing ethics and bad manners!  When fish bite so readily why do people fish with bare hooks?  and why teach your son how to be an a**hole on the river by posting up right next to other people trying to enjoy a day out on the flow! 

My two cents
that's brutal...passing on bad traits to a new generation. There's no excuse or reason to post up right next to someone when there's plenty of room on a's called being polite. I went to a spot this morning, saw 2 other guys fishing the run, I stayed above them and gave them plenty of room.
Heading out again tomorrow morning...headed out a bit late today. Anyone else heading out?[
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 10:23:41 PM by vancook »