Of course this makes sense but the purpose of hatcheries is to offset the damage we've done.
whether it be through building dams, overfishing, releasing pollutants into the environment (the list goes on).
At the turn of the century there were hundreds of creeks and streams in and around Vancouver (and elsewhere; I've got some pictures of Alma near UBC some where if I find them I'll scan and post and NO I wasn't alive when they were taken)) that supported a large number of salmon, steelhead, and...,that became: first ditches and then culverts.
Before the Columbia river dam system was built you could find salmon in Salmo (short for SALMON) 1/2 hour drive from Nelson or Castelgar and most of the creeks and streams that feed into it.
So after wiping out hundreds of runs that might only have a 15% survival rate and replacing them (after some time) with a hatchery system that has a 75% (for released smolts) survival rate in my opinion is not yet good enough.
(WILD) 15% of 1,000,000 = 150,000 (fish lost because of us to dams, and other developments) HAD a chance at returning.
(HATCHERY) 75% of 100,000 = 75,000 that HAVE a chance of returning.
Note: the numbers I threw out were for explanation purposes only.
I could go on but life calls.......
Hatcheries are both replacement and enhancement and they'll never be good enough for those that care; whether it's for the industries that create jobs, the sportfisher that loves the sport or the person who's only interest is to fill the freezer.
Remember: the more anglers out there the more pressure that is added, fish responsibly, follow the rules and respect this valuable resource.
Okay I soupose that makes sense,

but i dont think you understand me. What your saying is, we have hatcheries to make up for what we destory, yet that still goes against what I'm saying, just because we have more fish, it doesnt mean that they will all survive and come back.
In the wild, if only one fish survivles, let only one fish survive. I guess thats too hard to understand for some people. Here this might make a big more sense.
Your feeding a huge fire with five logs.
You could feed the fire slowly and make it last a long time. Maybe longer then you need.
Yet, you decide to get fifteen logs and chuck them all into the fire at once. Does the fire burn hotter? maybe for a bit, but eventually, the fire will burn out even faster because its much hotter. Maybe the fire would just perish because the tiny fire from the beginning cannot support that many logs.
You can also think of it like this.
You have a pet fish, everyday you feed it five pellets of fish food.
One day you decide to feed it fifteen pellets.
What happens? your fish dies. Some things were ment to just "let it be"
Through my own opinion, I don't think hatcheries are the right thing. If this so and so river isn't looking healthy and is not producing as well, why not just shut it down for a couple of years. Let nature take place. That way, Everything could be balanced out. Instead, smart people decide that, if we have a billion fish, yay! They're all going to survive and we'll all live happily ever after!
Dont worry! Somehow, herrings and sardines will fall out of the sky to feed all of the hungry fish, why? because god is nice. He is there to fix all of our mistakes.