ABORIGINAL - General Information,
Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Subject: FN0440-Salmon: Fraser River Spring (age 5-2) and Summer (age 5-2) Fraser Chinook: In-season prediction of returns to the Fraser River.
The potential for low spawning escapements of Spring and Summer (age 5-2)
Fraser Chinook has been identified as a potential concern for 2010. To ensure
fishery management objectives are achieved, the Department bases fishery
management actions on whether in season estimated returns are less than 30,000
(zone 1), less than 60,000 (zone 2), or greater than 60,000 (zone 3).
Management actions in each zone range from closures or fishery restrictions
(zone 1), non-retention or limited directed fisheries (zone 2), or directed
fisheries (zone 3). Pre-season planning was based on a return less than 30,000
given the potential for poor marine survival rates to have affected returns.
In season estimates of the return of Spring and Summer (age 5-2) chinook to the
Fraser River are based on the relationship between historical returns and
cumulative catch per unit effort (CPUE) at the Albion chinook test fishery for
the statistical weeks beginning in May through the second week in June. The
cumulative CPUE in 2010 is slightly higher than the previous 2 years but lower
than the historical average. Weekly point estimates of Fraser Spring and
Summer (age 5-2) chinook returns during this time period have ranged from
approximately 56,000 to 67,000 chinook.
Given the uncertainty about the in season estimated return to the Fraser River,
the Department plans to implement management actions consistent with zone 2
after July 15, 2010. Specific management actions announced previously to
protect Fraser Spring 4-2 chinook (see FN0346 and FN0347) will remain in effect
until July 15, 2010 when greater than 70% of the Spring 4-2 chinook run has
entered the Fraser. Actions for Fraser Spring and Summer (age 5-2) chinook
after July 15th will be announced in a separate fishery notice.
Did you witness suspicious fishing activity or a violation? If so, please call
the Fisheries and Ocean Canada 24-hour toll free Observe, Record, Report line
at (800) 465-4336.
For the 24 hour recorded opening and closure line, call toll free at
1-(866) 431-FISH or in Vancouver area: 604-666-2828.
Contact the local DFO office in your area for further information.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0440
Sent June 17, 2010 at 10:27
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