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Author Topic: Two DFO Notices to Consider  (Read 3734 times)


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Two DFO Notices to Consider
« on: June 21, 2010, 12:17:35 PM »

Subject: FN0451-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net - Area D - Opening for Sockeye in Area 23 - Barkley Sound

Area 23
Gill nets open 8 hours, 06:00 hours to 14:00 hours Tuesday, June 22, in Subarea
23-5 and portions of Subareas 23-3, 23-4 and 23-6. Numukamis Bay, San Mateo
Bay, Effingham Inlet, Rainy Bay and Uchucklesit Inlet are closed. Min. mesh 100
mm., max. depth 90 meshes, max. hang ratio 3:1, corkline to web distance min. 0
cm, max. 2 m. Coho and steelhead may not be retained. Six strand Alaska twist
web, conventional multi-strand web or a combination of the two may be used.

Target catch for this fishery is 15,000 sockeye. There may be an extension to
this fishery if target catch is not met at 14:00 hours. On-grounds hails will
be used to calculate catch. There will be no fishery the following day.

Variation Order No. 10-Sal-23-GN-02.

FN0351-RECREATIONAL - Salmon - Sockeye Fishery - Area 23 Barkley Sound & Alberni Inlet

The pre-season forecast for Somass Sockeye is 600,000.  The escapement
requirement at this runsize is 371,000.  At this run-size First Nations, recreational and commercial fisheries are planned.  In consultation with the Area 23 Salmon Harvest Committee and the Port Alberni SFAC it was agreed that a recreational fishery for sockeye in Area 23 would occur as described below. 

Effective 00:01 hours Tuesday, June 1, 2010 until further notice the daily quota for sockeye salmon in Area 23, Barkley Sound and Alberni Inlet, will be two (2).

The Somass Sockeye in-season stock assessment program will operate as in previous years.  This program collects escapement, test-fishing, catch and environmental information on a weekly basis.  This information is used to prepare weekly in-season run-size reforecasts. 

Fishers should be aware that the first in-season run-size reforecast will occur on Wednesday, June 30.  The recreational sockeye catch to that date will be reviewed in conjunction with the run-size reforecast estimate to determine what management actions may be required.

Warms your heart doesn't it.


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