The natives have number limits. They are only aloud certain amounts of fish just like every one else.
They have certain openings, saying that what sporties would catch is just a grain of sand is a very unbiased and uneducated opinion.
Now I know you may not agree with that, but it is the truth, not all of them are fishing illegally and taking more than they are aloud.
I don't agree with the nets, like I said, it should be closed for everyone for a minimum of 8 years.
But singling out on group of users is just plain stupid, everyone is at fault and it isn't just the natives.
If you really want to get down to it (and get to science behind it), it is everyone (even people that don't fish) who is the problem.
Warmer temps due to greenhouse gases cause algae and plakton blooms (salmon food) to occur earlier and in shorter, larger events. The reason pinks are becoming so abundant is because of how fast they migrate to the ocean, they are the first ones out to sea hitting all of these earlier and larger blooms. Later fish like sockeye aren't hitting the blooms anymore as they are occurring earlier, therefore there is a lack of food. Lack of food + commercial fishing in Alaska + Predation + nets in rivers + any openings means fewer fish coming back.
And complaining about a slot limit is just plain stupid as well... don't want to protect the larger females that carry more eggs so we get fewer and smaller fish back every year

Licences, whether you like it or not do provide hatcheries with money such as the Vedder so you can get some fish for the freezer for food. Stop complaining, or stop fishing, one more person off the river isn't a problem. AND we need to stop blaming and pointing fingers at every other sector of fishing, we can't bring back the stocks if every one is fighting over the few remaining fish rather than trying to keep them alive.