Bwi Bwi, science does not support your claim that fish are being "tortured". Science supports the claim that fish react to aversive stimuli, that's all.
For anyone feeling all mushy about putting a little hole in a fishes lip, I don't know how you sleep at night. You must be wrought with guilt over all the harm you have done over your life to life on this planet with all your polluting. If you've been driving for a decade, using plastics, you know how much you've contributed to pain and suffering of animals? It's easy not to acknowledge when you're not directly connected to it, i know...
The other thing... I've caught a trout and released it, only to see it snapping mayflies off the surface not five minutes after it was released. Next thing you know we'll have counselors walking the riverbanks looking for fish with post traumatic stress disorder.