Sorry Always Fishing, I must have hit a nerve. Foul-hooking salmon, & fighting for the right to foul hook salmon is just plain stupid. It makes the rec-fishermen look like a bunch of spoiled, whining brats.
Don't worry, you haven't hit any nerves. I am not aware that any rec fishermen are fighting for the right to foul hook salmon. Flossing sockeye is a legal harvesting technique and if there was a problem with it, regulations would have been put in place years ago. If you re-read all of the flossing related posts, I believe the only whining you'll read is from folks like yourself.

It has been common knowledge (since the mid-90's) that these fish aren't biting, they are being snagged...some new anglers are not privy to this info, so we must educate. Ignorance is bliss I suppose. The act of foul-hooking fish has always been illegal, the fact the poor Fraser River gets no enforcement does not make it OK.
I think most fishermen are aware that a sockeye is not biting and is being flossed. I have on several occasions witnessed a CO go down a row of bottom bouncing fishermen and only ask to see licenses and to see whether their hooks had barbs on them. No tickets were written for snagged or foul hooked fish..... I may not be as smart as some people, but that indicates to me that the CO's had no problem with the legality of bottom bouncing.

Whichever method the natives use to harvest their fish is up to them, you see, they have a constitutional right to their river & their fish. If you are upset with native rights there are probably much better places to argue your points than on a fishing discussion forum.
Show me one post where I have indicated that I have a problem with the natives constitutional right to catch fish. What I have a problem with is them selling fish that were caught under their food and ceremony openings!
Surplus, abundance & healthy stocks are just buzzwords made up by non-natives trying to justify their right to snag or foul-hook salmon.
Surplus, abundance and healthy stocks are terms that were made up by scientists and fisheries personnel.... I have no idea if they were non-native.

There will NEVER be enough fish to allow this unsporting, unfair meat fest to continue...too few fish, it's just that simple. 
Are you aware of the inconsistency in your comments and fishing choices? You indicated in one of your earlier posts that your favorite fishery is the Thompson, chasing steelhead. I don't understand how you can participate in a catch and release fishery where the stock is down to the last few hundred. I personally won't participate in that fishery however I accept that you and others have the legal right to harass these fish.
Like it or not the sockeye fishery is legal and the techniques used to harvest the sockeye are legal.