Heavier gear is required for sturgeon fishing in the Fraser River because it is impossible to selectively target fish in a particular size class. Whenever you're fishing for sturgeon in the area that you mentioned, you may encounter fish from 1 foot to 10 feet. Majority of the fish that you will encounter are typically between 3 and 6ft long. The outfit that you mentioned will not be sufficient enough. In fact, it may just be borderline for the type of salmon fishing that you'd like to do in the area. Most of the sturgeon fishing is also done from a boat and not so possible from shore.
If you have a chance, head into
Fred's Custom Tackle and
Chilliwack Dart and Tackle to get the latest local information.
If you only have a day to fish and are able to convince your family, then it is a good idea to try a guided boat trip. A typical guided boat trip is 8 hours long and can be divided into half salmon half sturgeon fishing. It is much more costly than fishing from shore, but the experience is worth it.
Good luck and enjoy your trip here.