What is really funny, were these sockeye not introduced to this area? so they are not a natural run. How is it possible to make a claim on something that was never there in the beginning.
Tis true. This run is completely artificial, and there never was any real numbers of sockeye in the Stamp system previous to that. It took the placement of ladders on both the Sproat and Stamp systems to provide access to the lakes, an intensive hatchery program based on Henderson Lake stocks, and extremely expensive fertilization programs in the lakes to build the stocks to their once glorious level. These efforts were conducted with both tax base dollars, and copious injections of volunteer time and effort. What was lacking through that process was an involvement from the FN Community. Basically the run was established and maintained by the non-FN community. However, the FN Community, once the run was established, and once they realized just how lucrative the potential fishery might prove to be, immediately claimed "
Traditional Harvest Rights" regarding this artificial run. And I, amongst most, would have little problem with that development, were the FN's to offer something back towards maintaining the run from their enormously profitable fisheries (which they do not), govern and perhaps limit their harvest rates to a fixed ratio of the run (which they agree to but do not monitor nowhere close to adequately), and cease their holding all sectors and the Department to their demands on each and every stock that returns here. It is for a reason that it is well recognized the FN's run ALL of the local fisheries, not DFO. Even they (DFO) will admit that when pressured.
Yes, they have Constitutionally Protected Rights, and by all means should indeed be allowed to exercise them. That shouldn't however come at the cost of conservation. And it would be a decent gesture were they to put a little something back, even if that were simply a little volunteer effort, towards the runs they capitalize on.
Overall I have but few problems with FN people, and in most situations their fisheries. I have worked alongside them for a great many years, and often championed their cause while doing so. Unfortunately the behavior displayed here leaves something to be desired. Also unfortunate that this exact behavior creates divisions between themselves and the community at large. No easy fix methinks.
The FN's haven't had a working Agreement regarding "Economic Fisheries" whatsoever on this run (besides the previous Court Ruling that states they
can sell them) yet have been actively doing so for 2 months! Couple that with their aggressive and extremely early start when all other sectors were holding back in an attempt to get some of the early timed fish up into the lakes, and the extreme low-balling of their catch numbers to date, and it's not tough to understand why DFO wants them at least slowed down. They already receive the highest allocation number, guess that simply ain't enough...

A related article in the Vancouver Sun today:
http://www.vancouversun.com/news/thewest/High+returns+sockeye+salmon+sparks+illegal+sales+Port+Alberni+area/3270022/story.htmlOne of the quotes from that: ""
The illegal salmon sales have been prevalent -- we're extremely concerned about them," said Larry Paike, a DFO fisheries officer."
Concerned? Quite Possibly so. But with their hands very much tied, there isn't a damn thing they, nor anyone else can do about it. Kinda like what the Notice reflects, concern expressed, but
what then to follow?
