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Author Topic: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label  (Read 8806 times)

Dr. Backlash

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Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« on: July 14, 2010, 06:12:48 PM »

Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
By Sarah Schmidt, Postmedia News July 14, 2010 5:02 PM Comments (1)
OTTAWA — Farmed fish raised in open net pens in the ocean — blamed for threatening wild salmon on the West Coast — could soon have Canada's organic stamp of approval on their packaging if the federal government implements its plan for new organic aquaculture standards.

The summer consultations have just begun, but the draft proposal, presented by the Canadian General Standards Board and organic aquaculture working group at Fisheries and Oceans Canada, has already fired up a debate about the industry's environmental practices and whether the move just muddies the meaning of "organic" for consumers.

Ottawa's proposed organic certification system for farmed fish also puts Canada at odds with the United States, where draft rules of the U.S. National Standards Board would disqualify non-native species that are raised in open net pens from carrying the U.S. government's organic label.

This would mean the overwhelming majority of fish produced by B.C. salmon farms would fail the U.S. organic test, but meet the proposed Canadian standards.

While Atlantic Canada has some aquaculture operators, salmon farming is now the single-largest food production sector in the B.C. economy, providing farmed Atlantic salmon to consumers across Canada and internationally.

B.C. is also the world's fourth-largest farmed salmon producer in the world, after Norway, Chile and Scotland, according to the federal government.

Mary Ellen Walling, executive director of the B.C. Salmon Farmers Association, said consumers need not fret about the government's organic certification proposal for farmed fish because industry would only get behind strong standards.

"From our point of view, we would want to see that the standards are strong to maintain consumer confidence in the organic designation," said Walling, emphasizing that in consultations with Ottawa on the draft proposals, companies were "very committed to achieving a very high level of environmental measurement and social responsibility and sustainability, so my expectation is that would be a starting point for those companies."

Conservationists and organic specialists disagree.

"The terms organic and 'aquaculture' are logically incompatible, as are 'organic' and 'caged layers,'" University of Guelph organic farming specialist Ann Clark, said Wednesday.

"The fundamental problem, whether with livestock and poultry or with fish, is the concentration of animals in space, which creates not simply pathogen and behavioural problems but a cascade of knock-on problems relating from the manure. These same problems can occur in organic systems, which is one of the reasons why organic standards mandate access to pasture."

That's why Shauna MacKinnon, seafood sustainability specialist at the Vancouver-based Living Oceans Society, is adamant in her opposition allowing industry to slap an organic label on fish raised in open net pens.

"The problems with the pens being directly in the ocean is that waste from the farm — the fish feces and waste feed — goes directly into the ocean, so there's no treatment or recapture of that waste, so you have impacts on the biodiversity around those farms," said MacKinnon, adding that the use of use of antibiotics or chemicals to limit the spread of such parasites as sea lice is also contrary to organic principles.

"A standard like this really undermines what consumers expect when it comes to organic product because they expect something that is more environmentally sustainable and they expect it not to have antibiotics or chemical treatments used in the product. I think that's very important for consumers and that's the reason they're willing to pay more," said MacKinnon.

The fisheries critics for the Green Party and the New Democratic Party also say farmed fish raised in open pens should not qualify as organic.

Noting there are higher standards in the draft document for closed containment operators to use the organic label, Janice Harvey, the New Brunswick-based critic for the Greens, said this "simply proves the point that they shouldn't even be considered for organic labelling, and it's going to give them an unfair advantage compared to fish produced in closed containment systems."

New Westminster-Coquitlam MP Finn Donnelly, the NDP critic, said that "stringent standards that I'm aware of for the organic certification process have a level that don't allow certain chemicals that are considered toxic chemicals in the food production process. And I know farmed salmon have chemicals injected into them.

"These elements, right away, I would question as to whether how those toxic chemicals would be considered non-detrimental to the product or the environment, two things which I think the organic certification process is concerned with."

Donnelly has tabled a private member's bill to amend the Fisheries Act to require that finfish aquaculture be carried out in closed containment facilities, allowing for a five-year transition period.

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Dr. Backlash

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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2010, 06:19:55 PM »

When will all the ignorant voters who keep supporting the Harper Government and the Conservative Party, get it through their THICK heads that our Prime Minister, the Conservative Party who currently run the Federal Government, don't give a damn about our Pacific Salmon???? 

Misinformed, ignorant voters, who vote for politicians that implement policies that work against their own best interests are my new pet peeve.

Wake up people!!


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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2010, 06:43:12 PM »

When will all the ignorant voters who keep supporting the Harper Government and the Conservative Party, get it through their THICK heads that our Prime Minister, the Conservative Party who currently run the Federal Government, don't give a damn about our Pacific Salmon???? 

Misinformed, ignorant voters, who vote for politicians that implement policies that work against their own best interests are my new pet peeve.

Wake up people!!

I'm surprised you didn't throw in Campbell and the HST in there as well......   :o

As long as people buy farmed salmon or farmed fish of any kind the producers will keep producing them. Have you ever looked into how the shrimp or prawns people buy are grown? I wouldn't eat that stuff nor would I eat "organic" farmed salmon. However people buy that stuff because they think it's healthy. They have no idea what they are eating!

The point is the consumer is at fault, not the government! Convince people to stop buying the farmed fish and you will effectively shut down the farms....
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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2010, 08:58:41 PM »

The point is that we have a current gov't that has taken the position of supporting aquaculture, and something like putting an organic stamp on farmed salmon is a direct result of that.  If you can't recongnize a very obvious connection between what the government condones or in this case, even encourages, and consumer spending/choices...


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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2010, 09:59:50 PM »

The point is that we have a current gov't that has taken the position of supporting aquaculture, and something like putting an organic stamp on farmed salmon is a direct result of that.  If you can't recongnize a very obvious connection between what the government condones or in this case, even encourages, and consumer spending/choices...

Governments like the jobs that industry creates because people with jobs pay taxes. If the consumer stopped buying the product the government would be looking for a new industry to get behind.
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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2010, 11:03:29 PM »

Wow, another genius idea to make more money through b.s. labeling.  Some jackass in Ottawa must have done a study on the projected increase in the BC aquaculture market if they certified it organic.

Isn't one of the main criteria for anything organic for it to be free of pesticides or antibiotics?  Are the fish farms out there that aren't using pesticides or antibiotics?  This isn't the only reason why farmed salmon shouldn't be certified organic but it's one of the more important ones. 


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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2010, 07:56:49 AM »

A company that has no sea lice, does not use antibiotics or pesticides.
Chicken farm, pig farm, cow farm, fish farm.


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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2010, 09:00:36 AM »

A company that has no sea lice, does not use antibiotics or pesticides.

Where do they say "no antibiotics or pesticides"?   ???
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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2010, 09:24:28 AM »

Thanks for the link aqua.  Reading a bit about this company on the surface it looks like they have more of concern towards the environment and offering a higher quality product.  Maybe it's because they are Canadian.  I'm curious though as to why they don't publish an annual CSR or Sustainability report.  They should have one...especially if they are trying to separate themselves from the others in the group.

alwaysfishn - I found the details about antibiotics and pesticides on the POSA site -


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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2010, 09:32:40 AM »

The 'organic' label means that the companies must NOT use synthetic pesticides according to the POSA Standards.  However, the standard does fail to mention to NOT use synthetic parasiticides during the salmons lifecycle:

Botanical external parasiticides must be applied according to label restrictions and cannot be primary means of control. Least toxic botanicals must be used in the least ecologically disruptive way and with worker protection.

Und most importantly - the company clearly states within their own web site the following:

At this time Creative Salmon's products are not Certified Organic.

I agree with AF - I cannot find anywhere on their site that states their fish have no sea lice.

However - on the flip side , it does appear that they are taking certain steps in the right direction though.
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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2010, 10:39:05 AM »

Governments like the jobs that industry creates because people with jobs pay taxes. If the consumer stopped buying the product the government would be looking for a new industry to get behind.

Quite true but governments subsidize and approve the development of emerging industries to encourage economic development well before there are any consumers to buy the product and vote with their wallets. The salmon farming industry didn't come to BC because BC consumers were clamouring for more farmed salmon in their grocery stores. They came because we had natural resources (coastal oceans) that they could use to expand their business and corporate profits for shareholders. And now that most of the farmed salmon product is exported, it will be the consumers in other countries that will determine if the industry expands or contracts in our coastal waters.


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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2010, 11:21:20 AM »

Yes it is not posted on the web site that there is no use of antibiotics.  They only use antibiotics on brood fish if necessary so it is minimal compared to the  norm.  There would be not mention of a sea lice issues if there was or was not.  I am just saying they have next to zero sea lice because of the low salinity.  My point is that there are locations to farm fish where sea lice simply in not an issue if it is at all.
  I do not think there are any salt water salmon farms in north america that have an organic label...yet.
  I am not a big fan of any organic label for I do not think it really means much in most cases.  I do like the taste of free range chicken I have eaten...yum  but I am not mesmerized term organic.

Speaking of sea lice and the "devistation" they cause, i have heard that there are some exceptional numbers of sockeye returning to the fraser right now.  So how will NGO's claim credit for this event this time? 

IMO if you focus all your attention and efforts and donations to blaming salmon farms for the salmon numbers you are wasting your time.

Please do not follow this up with links to massive papers or websites and studies for I will not read them.  I have seen all the misleading statistic manipulations before.  So much anti salmonfarming untruths out there and I feel it is doing wild salmon a massive injustice.

Thats my rant.
Be nice.

I am just a ordinary guy with an keen interest in fish.
 This topic caught my eye as it always does.
Chicken farm, pig farm, cow farm, fish farm.


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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2010, 03:49:08 PM »

Two terms come to mind:

1- buyer beware

2- there's a sucker born every minute

If there was ever a province to certify farmed Salmon as organic it's Campbells BC.
Penner probably calls them Eco-Friendly.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2010, 05:42:19 PM »

If there was ever a province to certify farmed Salmon as organic it's Campbells BC.
Penner probably calls them Eco-Friendly.

According to iliketofish, it;s Harpers fault......  ???   ;D
"When will all the ignorant voters who keep supporting the Harper Government and the Conservative Party, get it through their THICK heads that our Prime Minister, the Conservative Party who currently run the Federal Government, don't give a damn about our Pacific Salmon?"
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 05:44:42 PM by alwaysfishn »
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Re: Farmed B.C. salmon could soon carry federal organic label
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2010, 09:45:13 PM »

yes, its a federal initiative, i.e Harper's Conservative government wants to stamp farmed salmon as Organic.  Not Campbell's provincial government (and I can't stand Gordie's Liberal Government either!)  My wife and I only buy organic foods, and it certainly makes me think a lot more about how many other products the Harper government gives the Organic stamp of approval, when in reality those products aren't really organic (natural, free range, no chemicals, produced ethically, etc.)