Personally, I find it amusing how people try to justify a wrong. If you got clocked going down Highway #1, at 140 km/hr, too bad, so sad, but quit your whining and pay your fine. Same thing here, if the person should not be on the river bed, get your vehicle off of there or pay a fine. Too many times in our society there seems to be a lack of respect for laws and rules. For people who want to drive up to the beach, Cultus lake is a few more kilometers up the road and not on the river bed of the Vedder. 
Oh, I'm quite sure you have probably speed over the stated limit as EVERYONE does unless you want to get honked at lol. 140 is excessive vs 110-120 but both illegal. Truth be told that is probably worse than what these guys do/did. The mud boggers/litters are probably the reasons they don't want cars there in as they have destroyed small streams off roading it.
Those that make the rules of society are the ones who are really responsible for the loss of environmental habitat, fish included but you seem to think they know best.

If you really think they have the rivers best interest in mind better think again... Don't see them cleaning up the rivers or offering to assist in any way... But they DO remove gravel

Then do you want to tell me what i was watching swimming around the rocks Friday when i was there?I could have sworn i was watching fish ranging in size from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long?
Do you really think those that are still in the rivers are unable to swim away? I've never steeped on a fish yet, they are pretty quick and spook easily! You are not giving them enough credit.

I find it really, really funny how people who hit the river with the intent to penetrate fish(wild/endangered or not) with sharp pointy hooks which does great harm to the fish stocks and yet complain about something they don't like/see even though their effect is greater although they never think about. The guy/granola eco friendly person who does not fish probably has more ground to stand on than a fisherman does on these issues.
And I believe this only really takes place in one spot on the entire river and is not a real problem. Just people enjoying their time possibly at the expense of fish....Hmm ... kinda like fisherman!

And FYI, being illegal doesn't mean its wrong or bad or negative in all cases ie gravel removal. Many things are legal in the industry sector that are so damaging but are 100% legal as they support
society's systematic destruction of nature and environment.
Heck I know a guy and if he accidentally foul hooked a fish when the salmon are running hard (it happens) he keeps it as he sees no point in letting it go go only to easily catch his limit. Wrong by law yes but in reality not really but we know why we must have these laws.
Last year I saw guys floss/snagging (more snagging than flossing) and only keeping the ones hooked in the mouth as they were worried I'd say something. I did... keep em, better than foul hooking over and over just to get one in the mouth every 10th one (pinks)

they were taking pretty good body shots too being near the tail-out above a fast run!