Went out tonight at 7:30 to do a scouting mission (only 2nd trip of the year).
Started off at a run I noticed with the high water to see if it would still be deep enough to hold fish.
Sure enough it's deep enough that I can barley see bottom, with a nice chop.
I cast out my gob of roe, go to reel in and the roe is all gone. Float didn't move and I didn't feel a bump but it seemed suspicious.
Next piece of roe goes on and I feel a hit this time, still without the float moving, reel in and all the eggs are popped.
Third cast I drift a good 40 feet and nothing, go to reel in and about 5 feet into reeling in a spring nails my roe off the top of the water

I proceed to land the fish and it is fairly coloured, but still firm with a shine to it. I feel as if I'll get another one though (and wanted a doe) so I release it.
This fish was with the sun still fully on the water on red pro cured roe. Nothing else after that fish in this run besides a few taps.
Headed to another run and didn't see a fish roll, and no hits in 20 mins so I moved again.
Fished a third run for another hour and hit 2 more. One while reeling in and one mid drift. Both of these were in the tailout on red pro cured roe as well.
Didn't see any fish roll at all today, but they still were around.
Last hour of light seemed most productive. All of the fish hit within first 10 casts.
Prawns did nothing, roe was the ticket. All three fish were holding in tailouts that were deep with chop on top.