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Author Topic: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?  (Read 37625 times)


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #30 on: August 03, 2010, 01:37:52 PM »

Here. Here well said.

Its always the elitists that try and ram their ideas down everyones elses throat.
Bottom bouncing is a form of fishing and takes a lot more work than sitting in a deck chair waiting for some stupid bell to go off.

Yes its not sports fishing its a form of harvesting for the table which is perfectly legal.

Go after the real problem, the nets.  Natives can have all the openings the want just let them bottom bounce for the salmon like everyone else.

Get rid off the NETS on the Fraser and the story would be over.

Well said. If somebody here really cares about the fish, the focus should be the nets. How can any one with intelligence think that sporties' accidental hook up of sockeye (with its low mortality rate) can ruin the sockeye run? It is the NETS. Focus your effort on the NETS and not clobber up your fellow fishermen.

To add to Jaws point, don't just ban bottom bouncing when the stock is low. Ban bar fishing too as it is proven that it can hook sockeyes too. But the real deal is - ban the NETS.


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2010, 03:38:08 PM »

Here. Here well said.

Its always the elitists that try and ram their ideas down everyones elses throat.
Bottom bouncing is a form of fishing and takes a lot more work than sitting in a deck chair waiting for some stupid bell to go off.

Yes its not sports fishing its a form of harvesting for the table which is perfectly legal.

Go after the real problem, the nets.  Natives can have all the openings the want just let them bottom bounce for the salmon like everyone else.

Get rid off the NETS on the Fraser and the story would be over.

I tend to agree with you Glog, but when I am feeling lazy I don't mind bar fishing. One thing though, It is a lot more of a challenge to land a spring bottom bouncing, than with the bar rod and a pound of lead hanging off his face.


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2010, 04:43:04 PM »

All you people that complain about flossing and think you are a better person because you don't get into it, and complain about how busy the river gets, move away...  I bet you did floss at one time, you evolved to a different type of fishing.  Big deal, It is legal right now, if shooting some idiot that drove out in front of me and cut me off was legal I would pull the trigger.
Talked to a couple of FN at the Mission boat launch at 1130am on Saturday and they were putting sockeye into the back of a pickup.
I counted about 175 fish.  That was one 12' boat with a small net and only two people..   Times that by the number of nets on the entire Fraser, lets say for math purposes 100 nets...  That would mean between 15000 and 20000 dead sockey by noon on one day...  I will floss my 8 - 10 sockeye for the year every chance I get.... You  preachers out there don't like it I don't really care...
Lets go flossing....
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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2010, 04:54:50 PM »

All you people that complain about flossing and think you are a better person because you don't get into it, and complain about how busy the river gets, move away...  I bet you did floss at one time, you evolved to a different type of fishing.  Big deal, It is legal right now, if shooting some idiot that drove out in front of me and cut me off was legal I would pull the trigger.
Talked to a couple of FN at the Mission boat launch at 1130am on Saturday and they were putting sockeye into the back of a pickup.
I counted about 175 fish.  That was one 12' boat with a small net and only two people..   Times that by the number of nets on the entire Fraser, lets say for math purposes 100 nets...  That would mean between 15000 and 20000 dead sockey by noon on one day...  I will floss my 8 - 10 sockeye for the year every chance I get.... You  preachers out there don't like it I don't really care...
Lets go flossing....

You have anger issues. I could care less if someone flosses but something like that is disturbing......

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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2010, 05:01:19 PM »

Why are you worried about that Bobo, there are far more people than sockeye. We can afford to rid the planet of 5 or 6 billion humans, we breed like fruit flies without the benefits that fruit flies provide. ;D


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2010, 05:16:10 PM »

You have anger issues. I could care less if someone flosses but something like that is disturbing......
It was meant as a joke, taking things to the extreme bobo
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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #36 on: August 03, 2010, 05:21:34 PM »

Note that the bolded paragraph is for openings in tidal waters. Opening in the Non-tidal portion of Fraser River will take place a day or two later.

The Fraser River Panel met today to review stock assessment data on the Fraser River sockeye runs, discuss fishery planning, and receive an update regarding migration conditions in the Fraser River watershed. Test fishing catches in the marine assessment areas have been fluctuating recently but have generally been good for this time of year. The diversion rate of Fraser sockeye through Johnstone Strait is currently estimated to be approximately 50%. There has been a strong migration of sockeye observed at Hells Gate and the fish have been reported to be in good condition over the past week.

The abundance of Early Summer-run sockeye currently migrating through the marine approach areas is tracking above expectations and later than expected. For management purposes, the Panel has adopted a provisional run size estimate of 950,000 Early Summer-run sockeye. The estimated escapement of Early Summer-run sockeye past Mission through August 2 is 423,000 fish.

Based on the observed migration of Summer-run sockeye through the marine approach routes to-date, assessments of abundance are less than expected if their arrival timing is similar to pre-season expectations. Based on later run timing for Early Stuart and Early Summer runs, Summer-run stocks may be migrating later than expected but it is too early to confirm run size. Proportions of Summer run stocks are approximately 30-40% of marine test fisheries catches. The estimated escapement of Summer-run sockeye past Mission through August 2 is 218,000 fish.

The Late-run sockeye forecast range is 5 million to 12 million with a mid-point estimate of 8 million fish (Late Shuswap, Cultus, Portage, Harrison, Weaver, and Birkenhead stocks). Late-run sockeye returns are forecast to originate primarily from the Late Shuswap stock group. The expected 50% migration timing of Late-run sockeye through Area 20 is approximately mid August. For management purposes, the Panel adopted a provisional run size estimate of 400,000 Harrison sockeye at the meeting today. In recent years, Harrison sockeye have exhibited earlier marine timing than other Late-run sockeye stocks.  Assessments of Late-run sockeye timing, abundance, delay in the lower Strait of Georgia and in-river entry behaviour will be conducted over the next several weeks. The estimated escapement of Late-run sockeye past Mission through August 2 is 247,000 fish, most of which are Harrison.

On August 2 the discharge of the Fraser River at Hope was about 3,280 cms, which is 23% below average for this date. The temperature of the Fraser River at Qualark Creek on August 2 was 18.8 0C, which is 1.2 0C above average for this date. The temperatures are much less than had been forecast on Friday. Temperatures are forecast to rise to 20C then drop back to 18.6C by August 11th. Sustained water temperatures in this range can cause severe stress to migrating sockeye and may lead to substantial en route mortality. Migration conditions for Fraser sockeye will be monitored closely over the next several weeks and appropriate management actions will be taken. Management adjustments are employed to help achieve spawning escapement targets for Fraser River sockeye.
The following fisheries are planned:

Licence Area B seine will open daily from 6 AM to 9PM on Thursday, August 5, and Friday, August 6, in portions of Management Area 12 and 13. Check separate Fishery Notice for further details.

Licence Area D gill net will open 6 AM to 3PM in portions of Management Areas 11, 12 and 13. Check separate fishery notice for further details.

Area E gill net remains closed at this time, next update regarding potential opportunities will be Friday, August 6.

Area H troll remains closed at this time at the recommendation of the Area H Harvest Committee, next update regarding potential opportunities will be Friday, August 6.

South Coast marine areas, including the tidal portion of the Fraser River, recreational fisheries will open beginning Thursday, August 5. Check separate fishery notices for further details.

First Nation food, social and ceremonial fisheries vary by areas with opportunities in marine areas, lower Fraser and portions of the BC interior area, consult with local DFO offices for openings. Window closure restrictions are still in effect in portions of the BC Interior area at this time. Refer to the 2010 Southern B.C. Salmon IFMP for details on the timing dates for these closures.

The next Fraser River Panel meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 6th.  A further update will be provided on this date.


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #37 on: August 03, 2010, 05:28:30 PM »

Now the license sales will be on fire, and so are the betties.  ;D You bet the DFO license sales server will go down with heavy traffic.  ;D
The tackle stores and fish guides as well as bouncers are all  :D :D :D
But the anti-bouncing gangs are ..... >:( :(
Such is life. Gain some, lose some. Heehaw!  Let's get ready for the meat or harvest fishery (or whatever u call it), and hopefully it will be longer than one weekend fishing.  ;D
Judging from the last bouncing trip a few days ago, those socx this year are large and beautiful fish, strong and awesome fighers. Despite what the anti group say, they are good biters too this time of the year(yes, I had 3 fish in a row biting the wool with hooks all inside the mouth,one even swallow it down the throat, you just need to slow down the swing towards the end and slowly feed some line to slow down the presentation, as the water is clear enough for them to see). Have fun guys. ;)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 05:36:17 PM by liketofish »


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #38 on: August 03, 2010, 10:21:34 PM »

Its harder to get them below the bridge,so watch DFO will not open it above:)


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #39 on: August 03, 2010, 10:58:00 PM »

Hmm...can they make it any clearer. That notice was about as clear as mud. For those that really want a sockeye, then you are going to have to fish the tidal water section of the Fraser. And if you don't have one,  I would not buy the tidal license till the opening becomes official.


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #40 on: August 04, 2010, 05:49:08 AM »

It was meant as a joke, taking things to the extreme bobo

I know it was I was just adding fuel to the fire. Seriously though on those bars where the "fun" will take place their will be guys with those types of anger issues ;)

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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #41 on: August 04, 2010, 09:29:47 AM »

Am I right to believe that the sockeye opening on thursday is for tidal only .Where does it say when it will be open for non tidal ? I have read the notice several times and have come up with the same question ,could someone please clarify with for me .


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #42 on: August 04, 2010, 10:06:55 AM »

Looks like an upcoming notice for tidal Fraser only.

There will be another notice released (probably Friday) outlining the tidal opening (dates, limits, etc).

We may also get a non-tidal opening sometime in the near future but it doesn't look like this week.


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Re: Sockeye Opening Tuesday?
« Reply #43 on: August 04, 2010, 10:46:30 AM »

As Rodney noted above...
"Note that the bolded paragraph is for openings in tidal waters. Opening in the Non-tidal portion of Fraser River will take place a day or two later."


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« Last Edit: August 04, 2010, 03:11:51 PM by Rodney »