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Author Topic: What do you think? By law you release a fish you have foul hooked  (Read 11037 times)


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Re: What do you think? By law you release a fish you have foul hooked
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2010, 02:50:14 PM »

do yourselves all a favor and read up on how Alaska manages their inriver sockeye fishing...I think the Russian River was one I was reading up on.  There are angling licences and there is a food harvest licence.  UNder the food harvest a home owner is allowed 20 sockes plus 10 per family member...thats pretty much it.  no extra rules alwaysfish.  in fact a common tactic is to put your landig net into the water off the front of you boat, drive down river and scoop em up.  Not THATS a food fishery!

I would not do that, I would angle them but thats is an example of Alaska's food fishery.

Luder your commets don't make sense.  If I do or dont want hormones or pesticides used in the production of the food I consumer, that my own personal business.  Snaggin/flossing is illegal.. has nothing to do with my own personal preference.  PS - the person who start the post on ethical or not regarfin bottom bouncing did so under the assumption that because people don't get ticketed for it, its LEAGL...thats is an inaccurate place to start his debate. CO's don't enforce the law (partly due to flimsy regs) and other issue that take priority.  A better analogy is runnig a deer over in a truck to take for food (assuming taking road kill is illegal)...thats a more accurrate analogy to flossing.


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Re: What do you think? By law you release a fish you have foul hooked
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2010, 03:47:11 PM »

Hi all, had a thought I wanted to throw out your way. Let's say you hook a sockeye or a spring in the dorsal. By the time you bring it close enough to unhook and release it, you have inadvertently hurt it knowing it will not survive. By law you release it, only to hook and land a healthy fish a few casts later. Now, you have killed two fish. Would it not have been better to land the 1st fish and not to have caught the 2ND fish?. A philosophical question. your thoughts appreciated.

What I do in the aforesaid scenario is to point the tip of the rod at the fish and break it off as soon as I realize that it is foul-hooked (which is usually in the first few seconds of playing it). Why would anyone play through a fish hooked in the dorsal (or anywhere but the mouth) is beyond me. It's taxing on the gear, on the fisherman, and last, but not least, on the poor critter.

Just break the fish off (which, incidentally, is the main reason our leaders are lighter than our main line). It never ceases to amaze me how many bozos snap their main lines on snagged fish or bottom. ::)



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Re: What do you think? By law you release a fish you have foul hooked
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2010, 04:12:24 PM »

a couple of ideas. ..
 sockeye stamp, annual quota (similiar to steelhead) and maximum leader lengths. 

no, co's prob won't be able to enforce all laws to a "t", but there are still a few noble fisherman out there who bide by the rules.  unfortunately as bb fishery goes, for every harvester who abides by 2 fish limit etc...there's one or two who feel obliged to poach because it is common place. 

and this "it's a meat fishery, so who cares about methods". etc....this is a scary mentality because with this excuse any moron can go bottom bounce coho, steelhead or whatever, and just say, "I'm keeping it anyways, so who cares". 
could you imagine ALL these flossers on other systems employing the same methods? 