There are numerous streamkeeper organizations working very hard on streams that drain into the Brunette system. The Brunette is also home to the Nooksack dace (Rhinichthys cataractae), an endangered cyprinid minnow belonging to the chehalis fauna. The Brunette is one of three systems in BC that support these cool little fish. I had the opportunity to do some mark and recapture work this summer with them out in Langley.
Elmer Rudolph of the Sapperton Fish and Game club will be speaking about rehabilitation of the Brunette next week at the Jan. 13 meeting at 7:30pm at the Clinton Elementary School library.
If you are interested in knowing about the populations of fish that inhabit the watershed, nobody knows better than Elmer. He's been volunteering for ages, and runs a hatchery nearly by himself to support the Brunette.