The connection is that coho that I have seen are COVERED in net marks I wonder how many already endangered interior coho have parished due to the greed of the money that sockeye bring in commercially. Also the greed of the bottom bouncers out there that need to fill their freezers with sockeye and I'm sure the odd coho (aka spring as they're called on the Fraser gravel bars) or the coho that they shake and bake in the sand before kicking back to the river. Who's to blame for this? DFO and their mismanagement of OUR resources! The sockeye snaggery should have closed September 1st or the September long weekend at the latest, it is just ridiculous how the fish stocks are treated and handled.
I don't know what you do for a living Slayer, but the thing that drives 99% of the businesses out there happens to be greed! The sockeye fishery is a business. You could be more tactful and say that the money that people earn in order to feed and house their families is the incentive that drives them to do the best they can. It is still greed.
Most businesses out there have a negative impact on the environment due to their "greed". Are you suggesting all mining and forestry, hydro, etc. be shut down in the province because of it's impact on "our resources"? Or are these resources not a concern for you because they don't directly impact you like fishing does?
The key is providing a balance. Suggesting that DFO shut down the entire sockeye fishery because you think our resources are being mismanaged is just naive. DFO understands that there is a percentage of the Upper Fraser coho stocks that will be a by catch, however they have determined that percentage is expendable. The lower number of jacks on the Thompson is probably not a conservation concern for the Thompson spring run either. As far as the effect on a hatchery fed river that can be replaced by raising more fry, that shouldn't be a concern in the bigger picture.