More importantly,
A couple of tips to prevent it from happening again ... and again ... and again ...
Firstly, did you set your spool tension correctly? I noticed the comment that you're brand new to a bait-casting reel. One common mistake for folks new to bait casters is not setting the spool tension correctly. If it is set too loose then once your weight hits the water after a cast the spool will continue to turn and spew out line causing the tangle. To set the tension correctly start by tightening down the spool tension knob as tight as you can. (Silver knob on the inside of the star-shaped tension knob). Next, set up the rod with your weight, lure etc ... Then lift your rod tip up high so your tackle is dangling below. Finally, back off the tension spool until you notice that your line begins to fall to the ground. It should fall at a slow controlled speed.
Now you've got your spool tension set correctly. Note; it is good practice to re-adjust this every time you're changing your terminal tackle as different set ups have different weights.
Secondly, your thumb should be used to assist in controlling the spool speed. When you cast, try applying thumb pressure directly to the spool in the moments before your weight hits the water. This will ensure that you won't free spool the reel when no more line is required for your cast.
Do those two things and you'll be spending less time cutting and re-spooling! A couple of times of out and you'll have it all figured out.