Ive fished the tamahi rapids 4 times in the last week and every time I saw atleast 2 coho snagged by some newbies. Out of 15 guys there was maybe 5 that were float fishing properly. Unfortunately this is becoming the norm, beaks that don't know to properly fish standing shoulder to shoulder reefing on their rod every time their lead hits a rock. And don't even get me started on all the trash, if you can bring it with you then why can't you take it out? They need to install garbage cans at each hole/run.
A good idea but who is going to empty them? I have a few garbage bags out including one at Tamihi, I guess I better get up there and see if it is full.
Sometimes when I put bags out but people take them away, to put fish in I guess so now I put something smelly in them.

My brief fishing report for today.
day got off to a bad start as The leaf Craft #2 bounced out of the leaf Mobile along one of Chillwack's bumpy roads. Not going that fast but the rope holding her in broke. The boat skidded past me on the road. We both felt embarrassed and i was a beak.
When we got to the river my bad luck continued as I lost every fish i hooked. Found one DNE float before I took Chad the Leaf Mobile's Doctor to Cookies for lunch. Then off to a meeting with the mayor of Chilliwack. I wanted only to meet for 15 minutes so I could go back out fishing but we met for 1 hour talking about many environmental issues including Fraser River Gravel. I was there to invite her to The Paddle along with Alexandra Morton that starts in Hope on October 19.
www.salmonaresacred.orgWith the recent streak of losing fish I visited the Master at Chilliwack Dart and Tackle and got some new hooks before I headed back to the Vedder.
I got to the river with less than a hour to fish. I now had the Leaf Craft #3 to use as it is lighter than LC #2.
I decided to give the hook from this morning a chance to redeem itself but its fate was sealed as I lost 3 in a row, two that I believe were adult coho by the way they were fighting. On went the Gammy and I promptly landed two coho jacks that came home for supper. I then lost another jack and missed a lot of bites, some I know were smolts. I was going Goose hunting in the morning but with the river most likely going to blow out some time tomorrow the geese can wait as I need to get that first adult coho salmon, the hooks may make the difference.