An American sport fishing publication (Salmon & Steelhead Journal, Spring 2010 Volume 7 Issue 12) reports that the percentage of jacks in the returning chinook runs has surged in recent years from typically 3% up to 28% and higher, as high as 40% for the Columbia spring run. This has resulted in serious overestimation of the subsequent returns of mature fish. This phenomena is most evident on the Columbia but has been noticed in other rivers, even as far away as the Kenai in Alaska. Nobody seems to have any idea why this is occurring but it is apparently most evident in hatchery enhanced runs.
They define maxi-jacks as 2 year old males returning form the ocean, typically as 4 to 6 lb fish. Mini-jacks they describe as males that never go to salt water and mature as two year olds. Jennys are mature two year old females and rare. They don't specifically mention a surge in mini-jacks.