At the same time, the commercial sector of the recreational halibut fishery (guides and lodges) has grown dramatically to become an important contributor to our economy, but has also increased pressure on the recreational allocation.
There we go with the "
Party Line" yet again? What part of "service providers" doesn't he get? Obviously designed to try and keep the Recreational Sector firmly divided. Not this time methinks!
The key concern that we must focus on, however, is the sustainability of the resource. Management of this fishery, including allocation decisions, should be based on science, thorough monitoring and good management principles. There are many examples historically to demonstrate that decisions based on politics rather than science rarely yield the best result for the fishery.
Ummm.. Seems everyone else understands that this is not a "
Conservation Issue". Guess he might want to enlighten the Halibut Commission that all of their efforts and conclusions are out to lunch?
I'd really like to understand just how the giving away of 88% of the TAC was based on "
Science" and "
good management principles" rather than
Politics. Laughable were it not so far out there...
A lasting and equitable solution will require all of the parties to work together in good faith and with the best interest of the resource in mind. Our primary concern must remain the health and sustainability of the fishery, and any change must provide a fair balance between the unique West Coast requirements of the First Nation, recreation and commercial sectors.
It has become obvious that DFO has
NO interest whatsoever in working with either side of this equation "i
n good faith". In fact, the divisiveness between the two groups is being actively encouraged, it is a rather strong tactic after all.
Our fight is NOT with the commercial fishermen, especially so with those who actually fish. They have been lead into this miserable situation directly by DFO as much as we have. Rather our fight is with "management" or the lack thereof as the case may be. Although they are mandated to ensure our resources are managed for the
best and wisest use, their actions indicate anything but. Time to let them know this is
INTOLERABLE!We have said all along that the health and sustainability of the resource is indeed priority number one - no argument there. As for "
any change must provide a FAIR balance" - that is
EXACTLY what this matter is all about: Fair and Equitable distribution of this Common Property Resource! Bloody shame that Duncan firmly believes that keeping the Recreational Sector throttled back to 12% is somehow Fair?
Given Mr. Duncan won his last election by less than 2,400 votes with a rather small showing of the electorate, methinks the time has come to let him know just how far we collectively exceed that margin, and that his days are
NUMBERED!I will be writing him a response. Will post here once I have done so...
Final note for now: I never set out to become involved in a Political Battle, in fact I very much
detest the fact that I am now. We have politely tried for years upon years via the SFAB, the local Community Councils, Round-tables and more. All pretty much a dismal failure. DFO simply doesn't place any importance on recreational fisheries, never have, and still refuses to do so. It is they who created this mess we are now in, and it is they alone who can fix it. Unfortunate as hell that they continue to express absolutely no desire to do so. Their very actions have made "
reasonable dialogue" a complete waste of effort. And so, they have painted us into the corner we now stand in. If we stand idly by on this issue, we are certain to face much of the same treatment when it comes down to access for all marine resources. Sad fact, unfortunately true.
ONLY thing they do seem to understand at this juncture is pressure upon their governors, the elected officials of this Great Nation. So be it. Although it causes me a good deal of stress, I will continue to pound the letters at them, on a frequent basis. One letter is a good start Folks, one a week
MUCH better! If we are now to become the "
Squeaky Wheel" it is time for the bearings to come off. I urge every one of you reading this to take a few moments and express your concern over this issue, regardless of which side of the fence you might sit on.
PS: Channel A News, early edition this evening. Worth the watch