spincasting with a cerise scale croc September 21 on my lunch break, wild coho landed off Haney Wharf, and gently returned after the quick pic
37inch Spring, landed near Ranger Run (in the rain), 9 foot rod using a float drift and bubblegum yarn, the pic we took of landing it was a recording (stupid camera phones) once i get a still off it i'll post it.
My first coho, and the biggest fish (spring) i ever caught....
I just started salmon fishing this year, I was just the occasional trout fisher until my co-worker introduced me to pink fishing......i've been hooked ever since hard to believe i've lived here for over 20 years and never tried salmon fishing till now /facepalm there's no turning back now!
Soon it'll be time for steelhead....can't wait to get into those, and maybe get myself a decent beginner's centrepin (off here?) since i heard thats the only way to really fish
I'm glad to have found this forum and hope to see you guys out there!